Chapter 3.

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Adnan's POV

I glanced on the time on my watch, it was half past twelve. I looked at the papers in front of me, it was a lot of work i had to do before leaving and with the way things were going we'll be traveling really late.

My phone sitting on the table rang several times. It was my mum calling probably to ask where we were and I didn't want to pick up because she'll just be worried if I tell her we weren't even on the way.

It's my younger sisters wedding this weekend. And today being Thursday I still had some work to do in the office. I had a deadline by tomorrow and since I wasn't going to be in town, I had to finish before leaving. At first I was not going to go for the events just the Nikah on Saturday because I had a lot of work to do but Yusra was adamant and mum wouldn't let me do that too.

"Adnan! You still haven't finished? You know mum has been calling me and I had to lie to her." Muhsin my cousin and best friend said after barging into my office.

"I'm sorry man just got caught up with some work. Give me about thirty minutes." I said glancing at my wrist watch. I hoped to finish by three thirty so we can leave immediately.

He sat on the sofa glaring at me.

"Remind me to never travel with you again."

I laughed ignoring his statement. That's pay back for all the times I had to wait for him.

I managed to round up everything a little after four and by then Muhsin looked like he was going to smack me any time. I called my secretary and handed everything to him.

"I gotta go home and get changed before we leave though." I told him getting my phone and other things.

"What no way! You're going like this, we're already late."

I just went along because my guy was pissed off, I didn't want to annoy him any further. We were going with my car but he was to drive because I barely had any sleep the previous time, I hoped to pay back on my sleep on the way. We quickly performed ablution and prayed in the office mosque and we got on the way.

I called mum in the car and she was so worried that we were traveling late, I assured her that everything was going to be fine Insha Allah.

I leaned on the chair and closed my eyes Suratul Maryam was playing and I recited along softly and soon fell asleep.

We arrived right when the call to prayer for Magrib was being called. We prayed in the mosque in our family house. There were so many cars parked within the compound of the house and outside. There was no where to park inside so we found a spot outside and walked it.

There were so many people, a lot of my relatives I hadn't met in a long time. We said pleasantries and we walked into the main house.

We then went straight to my mothers room, she was there with her sisters and friends. We greeted them and they started asking me about when I was getting married, as usual.

"Adnan you're sister is getting married when will you bring your own wife." My mum's older sister asked.

"Ask him oo, I have talked and talked, I'm even tired of talking." My mum said giving me a glare.

I laughed scratching the back of my neck. "Soon Insha Allah."

"If you can't find one yourself, I have lots of beautiful ladies for you to choose from." Aunty Hadiza suggested.

I laughed awkwardly once again. "Don't worry aunty very soon."

"If you say so."

Several times my aunties and mothers friends have tried matching me with a lot of girls but I just never got anyone I liked. They think I just don't want to get married. But no I want to get married and have a nice family I can call my own. I want to have a beautiful family and a beautiful relationship with my wife just like my parents have, but I just haven't found the right girl and when I find her I will get married. As soon as possible.

I went to the main living room where the guys were, mostly my cousins and other relatives. I sat and got myself some food, we started talking and catching up.

After I was done eating I decided to go surprise my sister she still didn't know that I decided to come today, even though she threatened to not go ahead with the wedding if I didn't attend. Crazy girl.

I was about to enter the house and I bumped into this someone, it was a girl. She gently opened her eyes and my eyes widened, I recognized those eyes.

The same golden brown orbs that have been stuck in my mind since the first time I saw them. They were beautiful.

It was the same girl I saw at the store two weeks ago, I never thought I'll see her again.

Seeing her face this close, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. She has a round face, a cute pointed nose and small, pouty lips with a thin layer of lipgloss.

She's cute.

I was lost in staring into her eyes when she looked down and a horrified expression took over her face as soon as she looked at me my shirt. I looked down and saw that she had smudged her henna on my white kaftan.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Her voice came, it was smooth, soft and panicky.

She looked around frantically and suddenly picked her veil resting on her shoulders and started cleaning it.

She stopped realizing the stain was getting worse and looked up at me. She looked a bit embarrassed and her expression was so funny I found myself smiling.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine."

"Uhm I'll wash your clothes for you."

"Don't worry about...."

Just then Yusra came screaming my ears off as she hugged me nearly falling. "Easy there madam bride. We wouldn't want you falling would we?"

She shook her head. "I'm just so excited you came."

"Well for starters, you would have skinned me alive if I didn't" she nodded and I laughed "And I wouldn't miss my little sisters wedding for the world."

"Aw" she hugged me once again and turned to the girl.

"I see you've met my bestie already. Anyway so Amrah this is my darling brother Adnan and Adnan this is my dearest best friend Amrah."

Amrah...she had a beautiful name just like her.


Hi people.💞 How are you doing? Great I hope!

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30 dec

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