Chapter 8.

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Adnan's POV

It's been two weeks since my sisters wedding and everything is back to normal. Well except my heart. Since the day I left the wedding I haven't been the same. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. I desperately want to see her again, to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face, her shy smiles and her cute pouty lips.

I really don't understand what these feelings are, I really can't remember ever feeling like this for anyone. I see her face each time I close my eyes to sleep and each time I wake up.

I think I'm in love with I'm in love with her.

Only love can make you feel that way towards a person, only love can make colors seem brighter, air seem cleaner and the birds chirping louder.

A sound snapped me out my reverie. Muhsin snapped his fingers in my face to get my attention.

"Are you even listening?"

"Uhm.. oh sorry, I was absent minded. What were you saying?" I asked as I sat up well and concentrated my attention to him.

"You mean to tell me that I have been sitting here for the past twenty minutes explaining this thing and you didn't hear a thing?" He asked infuriated.

I scratched my head guiltily. "I'm sorry I just don't know what's wrong with me today, I'm so out of it."

"Well whatever it is you better snap out of it. We have a deadline." He reminded me closing the file in front of him and moving it to me. I nodded.

"Let me just have some minutes please." I asked massaging my temples.

"Sure man but what is wrong with you, you've never been like this?" He asked with concern. I decided to just tell him what I was feeling maybe he'll help with advice or something.

"Woah hold up! You mean to tell me that you're in love, with a girl?" He asked looking at me like I had suddenly developed another head. "Unbelievable!" He explained dramatically.

"Why is it so unbelievable?"

"Guy I have known you all your life and I have never heard you say you love any female or even shown interest in any girl." He lowered his voice. "People even started to spread rumors that you're.. you know."

I grabbed the journal in front of me and threw it at him. He moved away laughing. He is so damn annoying but I won't let him spoil my mood with his stupid talks.

"Honestly I can't believe it too, I don't know how or when it happened all I know is that I love her" I said with a sigh.

"Whoever this girl is, she is one lucky girl. I can't wait to tell Mum, she'll be so happy." He said excitedly with a wide grin picking up his phone. He was such a gossip!

"Oh no no" I snatched the phone. "I still haven't told her about my feelings and I don't even know how to."

"So what are you waiting for? Just tell her!"

"It's not that simple you know." I said puffing a breath

"What is so difficult about telling a girl you like her, my guy don't be a coward now." He said getting up to leave. "Anyways see you later."

I leaned back on my chair, I really don't know what way I'll follow to reach her. Yusra is on honeymoon, I wouldn't want to disturb her and I have no idea where she lives.

After work, I texted the guys that I couldn't make it, we were supposed to meet after work to watch a game but I'm not really for it so I just went home straight.

I entered the living room, kicked off my shoes and loosened my tie. I went straight to me room and took a refreshing shower after which I wore some comfy clothes. I went to the masjid to pray Maghrib, I decided to stay and read the Quran before Isha prayers.

"Hey bro." Aisha greeted when I entered the parlour.

"What's up? How are you doing?" I asked taking a seat.

"I'm fine."

"Where's mum?"

"She's with daddy."

"Dad is back?" I asked sitting down and picking the remote.

"Yes he came back this afternoon." She answered absentmindedly. "Come take a look at this pictures, the photographer brought the pictures today."

On the middle page my eyes fell on an image. I felt a smile creep up my lips. It was a picture of Amrah. She was alone in picture, she looked away while laughing. She looked so breathtaking in the picture.

I traced the picture with my fingers. I didn't want to stop looking at the picture. I looked at Aisha, she was not paying attention to me. I wiped out my phone and took some shots. I looked through the whole album and took pictures of all her pictures throughout. I made sure that Aisha didn't notice.

I ate and then went to greet daddy in his living room. They were sitting together lovingly watching the news. They looked all loved up. My parents are just so cute.

"How is work? The office?" He questioned.

"Everything is going on smoothly, Alhamdulilah."

"I went to the office today to check up on everything, The figures are impressive, you're doing an amazing job. Keep it up." He said proudly patting my back.

I smiled. "Thank you sir." I said feeling very proud of myself for not letting my parents down.

About a year ago daddy decided to take a backseat and let me handle the business, he hadn't officially retired but he only comes to work about once or twice a week to see how things are going.

It was very challenging at first having such a huge responsibility but Alhamdulilah, everything has been going on well.

"I'm going to my room now."

"Okay, I hope you have eaten?" Mummy asked.

"Yes am."


I laid on the bed as I looked at the pictures I took earlier. I feel like I could keep staring at the pictures forever. I remembered the sound of her laughter, so sweet and melodious. Her eyes, her timid smiles. These feelings are so new, so different.

I closed my eyes letting out a sigh. Everything has been going on smoothly in my life these past year. All I can say is Alhamdulilah.


So Adnan is in love💃🏼...I'm so excited and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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