Chapter 26

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Amrah's POV

I sat on the balcony as I watched the sun rise. It was six thirty am in the morning, after I had prayed fajr, I wasn't sleepy so I came out to watch the sun rise. I watched as the golden sun rose into the dim morning sky. The golden rays of the sun cast a beautiful glow on the streets. The weather was cold and windy.

I have a fascination with watching the sunrise and I am never awake to catch it so today I had to come out and enjoy the cold morning while forming scenarios in my head for hours.

I wrapped my shawl tighter around my body as my mind drifted back to last weekend and all the drama. It is weird to imagine that I would have being married to Naseer by now. Each time I remembered I just thank God for saving me from that hell.

After everyone left I finally had the chance to breathe and it was so refreshing. Anty Hauwa especially was very happy, she took me out on a shopping spree, we had so much fun before she finally went back home.

The next day the things Naseer brought for me were all sent back and It just felt like every single connection I have to him is broken and it is so relieving. I haven't heard from him at all and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

The most hilarious thing that happened was when Anty came to console me, I knew she was there to torment me in disguise that Naseer jilted me. She was happy that I didn't marry such a rich man. If only she knew. She finished her taunts and left. I honestly don't know what that woman's problem is with me.

I went back to living my normal life with no Naseer to torment me. Right now I'm just focused on enjoying my life and focusing on the things that make me happy.

I sat there till the morning sun rose. I went back into the room and Hanifa was still sleeping so I went downstairs to make breakfast. I decided to make pap and moi moi since I've been craving it for a while.

Maa travelled to Niger for a wedding so it was just us girls at home.

At around nine in the morning I done cooking and the girls came down. We sat in the living room and ate while watching the latest episode of Grown-ish.

"Sis, what are we doing today?" Hanan asked when we finished eating.

"Uhm I don't know but I really feel like doing anything today. I just want to stay at home."

"Okay then.. We'll just do the hair today.."

I nodded reclining back on the chair. Hanifa was still sleeping since she stayed up very late yesterday completing some of her work. I picked my phone and called Yusra.

"Amraaa... how far now?"

"Fine fine...You?"

"I'm good too. Just being a bit busy oh and btw It's mum's birthday on Friday so we decided to throw her a surprise birthday so I've being busy planning it."

"Oh really! That's so sweet."

"So you're going to come right? Tell Hanan and Hanifa to come too."

"Of course. I am excited!"

"Me too! It's just a small gathering, only close family and friends. You guys should come to my house then we'll go there together yeah?"

"Okay sure."


"So please choose between this and this." Hanan asked placing the two oufits on her body for me to choose.

"Uhm..." I said thoughtfully. "The pink one"

"Okayy." She said as she scooted away to her room to get dressed.

I quickly entered the bathroom and showered. I prayed Asr and dressed up after. I dressed up in a pink and beige ruffle dress. It was an outfit my aunty Hauwa bought for me a few months ago that I hadn't worn until now, it was comfortable and cute so it was perfect for the event.

I wrapped a matching beige veil on my head after I gelled my hair back and packed it in a low bun. I did my usual makeup with a powder and kohl then my pink bubblegum lip gloss. I then grabbed my pink bag and went to meet Hanan.

Hanifa was feeling a little bit under the weather so she's not going.

Hanan was in her room and to my surprise she still hadn't showered yet talk-more of dressing up and Hanan takes forever to dress up.

"'re still not dressed? I thought you would be ready by now. You know we're already late. Yusra said to be there by four and it's already past four." I wined sitting on her bed.

"Oh...I'm sorry I'll shower quickly." She hurried into the toilet and showered and came back and got dressed in the peach dress I picked for her despite everything she still took her time to dress up.

"Okay I'm ready let's go." Hanan said looking at herself in the mirror one more time.

"Wait wait please before we go let's take some pictures." Hanan said when we were about to leave the house.

"Hanan we're late." I wined.

"Just one picture." She said as she took out her phone. We took a couple of pictures and we got going. We were already late so instead of going to Yusra's house first, we went straight there. We arrived there at four thirty five and we went in. I called Yusra's number and she came outside to take us inside. She was wearing this beautiful blue abaya.

"Hey Yusra, Sorry we're late. There was a bit of traffic on the way here." I apologized giving her a hug.

"Oh no problem, she hasn't arrived yet luckily."

"You look gorgeous btw."

"No you look gorgeous!" She replied and I laughed.

We went in and it was just a little garden when the event was taking place. It was a small intimate event. There were only a few people there, about fifteen or twenty people. It was beautifully decorated.

We were having small conversations while waiting for her mum to arrive. Apparently Aisha got her to go out with her to buy something and then said she was coming here to pick a parcel.

I sat down and unconsciously I was looking and hoping to see Adnan. I haven't seen or heard from him in quite a while and I can't help but miss him a bit.

Yusra received a text. "Everyone, she's coming!" Yusra said as signaled for us to keep quiet.

We heard footsteps and her voice as she came in. She came into sight.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouts the moment she comes in.

She stood at the entrance with widened eyes, frozen as everyone laughed. She slowly walked in looking around in shock. Soon everyone surrounded her wishing her a happy birthday as she thanked everyone with teary eyes.

"Omg! You guys. Thank you so much."

We finally took a sit and started eating while chatting and laughing, seeing the amazing dishes my tummy started grumbling reminding me how hungry I was. We ate and it was delicious beyond words.

I had given up hope that I was going to see Adnan when he suddenly appeared. He went to meet her and she was obviously shocked to see him.

"Adnan! You came! I missed you!" She exclaimed giving him a hug. She looked very surprised and happy to see him. We were all watching them with a smile on the face. It was heartwarming to see their interaction.

He was dressed casually in a grey jumper and black sweatpants. His hair was a lot longer than I remembered. It was a lot fuller.

I felt a pinch on my waist and turned to see Yusra grinning at me. She nodded in his direction as she wiggled her eyebrows at me teasingly before she went back to what she was doing. I smiled shyly feeling my cheeks burning with embarrassment.


Chapters are unedited.

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