Chapter 12

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Amrah's POV

I walked into class and saw Yusra sitting at the extreme end of the class. She gave me a pointed look and I quickly looked away and sat on a sit in the front row. It's been such a struggle trying to avoid Yusra for the past week, she has approached me several times to talk but I just get up and run, I come to class late after the lecturer and flee as soon as the class is over. I am honestly too embarrassed to even look at her. I messed up so bad and I'm so ashamed of myself.

The moment the class finished, I hurriedly packed up my stuff and headed straight for the door.

"Amrah wait!" She yelled as she came up to me and grabbed my arm.

"You're not getting away, not this time!" She said turning me around to face her. I looked at her face once but looked away immediately because of how I couldn't bear to look at her disappointed face.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy with...." She glared at me stopping my speech. I sighed as I started explaining "Yusra I'm sorry for ignoring you, I just couldn't bear to look at you after what happened."

"Look whatever happened between you and my brother is really none of my business but ignoring me and declining all my calls, that wasn't cool at all. Anyway I'm late for my next class." She said in annoyance as she turned to leave.

"Yusra I'm so sorry, please forgive me, it wasn't my intention to ignore you and.." I started as my voice started to break.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

I sighed. "I really don't have a good reason for not telling you about Naseer but believe me I've been meaning to tell you, I just never got a chance, I wanted to tell you after the wedding but I got carried away and just gosh..I'm sorry."

"Okay so now tell me everything from the beginning to the end."

We walked to the cafeteria as I told her from how we met and just everything well of course leaving out the details of Naseer's abusive behaviour. I need a lot more courage to tell her that and besides I want to avoid trouble.

"Please tell Adnan that I'm sorry for leading him on, he must hate me so much." I said sadly as i played with my fingers.

"No he doesn't, all he wants is for you to be happy and nothing else. I mean are you happy with Naseer?" She asked.

"Yes." I lied and that has to be the worst lie I ever told. Happiness couldnt be the farthest from what I feel for Naseer. I feel so guilty for not letting her know of such a serious thing about my life which she deserves to know as my best friend.

We chatted for a while, catching up and what not before Yusuf came to get her.


I dropped down from the car and handed the cab driver his money, I turned to enter the house when my eyes saw a sleek black jaguar packed by the side of the road. Naseer! The door opened and he came down and flashed me a smile which I returned nervously.

I couldn't help but notice that each time I saw Naseer, instead of the butterflies happiness I'm supposed to feel as described in novels, I feel unhappy, scared and cautious.

I nervously returned his smile as i walked forward to where he was standing,

"Go in and get changed, lets go out."

"Where are we going to?"

"Just some where, stop talking and go change. Do not keep me waiting."

I nodded and went inside. I went in, told mum then went to my room prayed and freshened up before we got going while he blabbered on about himself throughout the ride almost making me fall asleep.

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