Chapter 20

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Amrah's POV

In the morning, Aunty Hauwa said I should pack my stuff and go with her back to Minna to take my mind off things and have a change of environment. Hanifa is also going for the break. Although I don't want to be away from home, I figured it will be better if I go for some time and besides I don't want my mum to continue seeing me sad, she feels even more guilty most importantly I'll be away from Naseer for some time.

I woke up today and saw Aunty H and Maa had reconciled. I guessed they talked in the night and reconciled. I'm just glad they're no longer fighting. I know they normally argue and have misunderstandings but it's usually a playful banter and it's usually short lived, I was a bit concerned this time that it's going to stretch out but Alhamdulilah they're good now.

I was too tired to pack yesterday so I packed this morning. I picked a few of my simple clothes, I don't really know how long I'm going to be staying there so I didn't know for sure how many clothes to pack.

When we were about to leave when Aunty Hauwa said. "Hajara think about what we discussed. I'll call you when I get home."

Maa nodded and looked at me. I don't know what they talked about but seeing how she looked at me I knew it has to do with me

I hugged Maa tightly as she kissed my cheek. "Take care of yourself Amrah, don't think too much. Leave everything to Allah okay?" I nodded my head.

Hanan was in school so she couldn't see me off. She really wanted to go with me but she has school so we agreed that if by the time they vacate from school and I haven't returned, she'll come join me.

I took out my SIM card and left it back in my room because I don't want to be tempted to put it back. I don't want to talk to anyone by anyone I mean Naseer even though  he hasn't really been disturbing me this past days. The few times he called and I didn't pick he sent a text threatening me and then asked me to come several times but I refused. I just want to keep annoying him so he'll let me be.

The journey was a very short one. I slept off in the car and by the time I woke up we had already arrived so I didn't even feel all the bumps and stuff on the road.

We got to their house and I first rushed upstairs to pee since I've been pressed. I came downstairs to see everyone. Hanifa has three brothers who are all away to work so she's the only girl but they're some of our cousins who stay with Aunty Hauwa so their house is always full and lively.

I was really excited to see them all since it's been a long time. That's the difference between our house and Hanifas house, at home it's just me and Hanan since we don't relate at all with aunty and the other kids.

Later in the evening, I packed my overnight bag and Aunty Hauwa's driver dropped me off at my grandmother's house. She stays a few houses away from Aunty Hauwa's home with my mum's brother, Uncle Bala.

I entered the house and ran to Inna's section which was a small apartment behind the main house. I walked as fact as I could and saw her sitting on a mat in front of her apartment with her radio on her lap and her eyes glasses perched on her face.

"Inna kaka!" I screamed as I rushed and jumped on her lap, engulfing her in a hug.

"Subhanallah this child, you want to break my body that I'm managing." She cautioned spanking me lightly.

"Uhm uhm I just miss you soo much."

"Is it not you that refuses to come stay with me. You refused to come last eid despite my insistence and that you're talkative sister, why isn't she here."

"No it's not like that inna. It was a very short break and you know how bad the roads are." I replied sitting next to her. "Hanan really wanted to come along but you know school."

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