Chapter 17

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Adnan's POV

I woke up and the smell of antiseptic invade my nose, I slowly opened my eyes, squinting to get used to the bright light. My body felt weak and heavy and my head was throbbing with pain. Why is it so bright? Where am I? I shut my eyes trying to remember what happened then the memory of what happened came rushing back.

I glanced around the room, and saw my mum and Aisha on the couch and then Muhsin was standing by the end of my bed. It seemed they all didn't notice that I woke up. I tried to get up and I felt a sharp pain start from my head and spread to my body. My head and the side of tummy hurt the most. It was like my body was objecting me getting up. My hand went to my head and felt a bandage wrapped around my head.

"Hey Adnan what are you doing, lay back down." Muhsin said when he saw I had woken up and came to help me sit up.

"Adnan, how are you feeling? Are you okay, where do you feel pain..." Mum asked worriedly as she sat on the bed next to me holding my hand. "Should I call the doctor?"

"No mum, I'm fine, no need for that."

"So Adnan what happened to you. You didn't come home on time so I called Muhsin to check up on you and you were found unconscious on the road. What happened to you, who did this to you."

I sighed and sat up with the help of Muhsin. I told them that some thugs stopped me and attacked me. I don't want to tell her about Naseer and all of that mess. She doesn't need to know that and especially not my dad.

"But Adnan, all your belongings were intact, your phones, money watch credit card and the car too. Nothing was taken, why will they hurt you and not take anything. You need to give us some information so we can take action"

"Mum there's no need for that..."

"What do you mean there's no need for that? Look at you, what if something bad happened to you, what will I do?"

I didn't know what to reply to her honestly. I looked to Muhsin for some help.

"Uhm mum I think we should let him rest, he just woke up."

Mummy fed me some food before I prayed all my missed prayers. The doctor came and checked up on me. She said it wasn't anything too serious, I had a concussion from when one of the guys hit me that's why I fainted. Aside from my head, I fractured a rib and elbow and then the bruises on my face. She gave me some painkillers for the pain in my rib and sleeping pills. When I woke up again, daddy was there, he didn't waste no time and stared questioning me along with the inspector.

"I'm not playing with you, who did this to you? I know it wasn't some area thugs so give me a name and stop that nonsense."

"Dad...." I replied massaging my forehead.

"I heard you got into a fight a few days ago and now this so better tell me what you've been up to. I can't have you getting into all kinds of fights....Okay if you're not going to tell me, I'm going to have to find out myself." He said and stormed off.

Telling him anything about this situation is just going to do no good. I will handle it myself when I get out of this place.

I'm so glad this situation happened. Of course I'm not happy that I'm in the hospital injured but this shows me how crazy of a person Naseer is for him to do something like this. I don't want her to be with him, I don't think she's safe with him. Naseer's stunt didn't work, the only thing it did is make me want to be with him even more.

I initially decided to let it go despite what happened but now I realized that I can't do that, I know she's scared of him and that's why she said all the things she said. I saw the fear in her eyes, she was terrified, I knew she wanted to say more but she was probably trying to avoid his wrath. She obviously doesn't like him and she's probably being forced.

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