Chapter 15

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Amrah's POV

I woke up from sleep and a dull pain in my head made me wince, I held on to my head and massaged it a little. After what happened yesterday and the hours of crying, I definitely expected a headache. Maa and I had an amazing conversation yesterday night, she assured me that everything was going to be okay and said she'll speak to daddy and also made me promise to always tell her my problems. It really comforted me and made me feel better almost like a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders. I ended up sleeping in her room after we talked for a long while. I only went back to my room after subhi prayer.

The door opened and Hanifa came in with a smile holding a plate of food and behind her was Hanan with a cup of juice.

"Hey babes."

"Hi" I mustered a lazy smile as she came forward and sat next to me on the bed and kept the tray on the side table.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine a lot better, thank you." I replied as Hanan scooted over to give me a hug. I realized I didn't see her throughout out yesterday.

"So I know you're not feeling good so we decided to make you breakfast and freshly squeezed orange juice." Hanan said showing the cup of orange juice she was holding .

"Aww for real?! You guys are the sweetest, thank you so much!" I squealed as I gave them each a peck on the cheek. They are literally the sweetest humans on earth. What will I do without them?

"Let me quickly brush my teeth and eat, I can't wait to eat this." I said

I got up and went to the bathroom, I was my face and brushed my teeth. The swelling of my cheek had gone down a lot, the bruises had started drying. Thankfully it's the weekend so I won't have to go to school today.

I went back and started eating the food, they made me French toasts with scrambled eyes and a pineapple smoothie. It was delish. They sat there and watched me eat giving me this weird look like pity or something

I kept the fork and sighed. "Guys can you stop looking at me like that. Honestly I'm fine!"

"Right sorry. I'm going to make my hair anyway." Hanan said and went out.

Later on I showered and wore my clothes, I was combing my hair. I didn't even look at my phone sitting on my dresser. I haven't even turned it on since yesterday. I honestly I'm not ready for Naseer or anybody. I don't even want to think about him or even mention his name. Thinking about him makes me feel so dejected.

"Amrah, can I speak to you about something."

"Yeah, what about? "  I asked looking at her suspiciously.

"Oya come sit next to me." She said patting the bed.

"Honestly I'm still trying to process what happened, I can't belive Naseer hurts you. I would have never in my wildest imagination think he was like that, he seemed like a perfect gentleman." She sighed. "Anyway I hope it's over and you're not even thinking of entertaining him ever again, he's not the only guy in the world."

"And also, please try to be less secretive especially not with matters like this. If not me you could have told your mum at least. Please promise me that you'll not hide something like that from us again."

"I promise." I said pulling her in for a hug.

I spent the day just doing nothing much, just reading novel watching tv and eating. I wanted to feel relaxed and at ease knowing that I no longer have to tolerate Naseer but for some reason I could just relax. I still felt tension about speaking to daddy. He really likes Naseer and....gosh I cleared the thought off my mind. I am going to lose my mind if I continue like this.

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