Chapter 21

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As Salamu alaykum everyone. Juma'at Kareem! ❤️

Amrah's POV

The last few days I spent in my aunt's house were great. I have had such an amazing time so far. I am very glad I agreed to come here. I came back from my grandmother's house and we spent the days having fun with Hanifa and the others, we tried out some fun recipes, binged watched our favorite movies/series and even went out a few times. I was having so much fun that I barely had time to be sad. I have left everything to Allah.

Leaving my sim card at home was also very helpful to forget my problems because Naseer has no way to reach me thereby leaving me stress free.

We were in the kitchen chatting while making dinner when zee came in to tell me that someone was looking for me at the door. I scrunched my eyebrow together. Who could be looking for me?

"Are you sure it's me?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied and continued chopping her vegetables.

I washed my hands and went to the living room to see who it was. I opened the door and to my shock it was Adnan standing at the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. Am I dreaming or something? I thought I was hallucinating so when I opened my eyes again he was still the one I saw standing there.

What the...

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. "Adnan? How on earth...I mean...what are you...what are you doing here?" I finally managed to get out.

"I'm really sorry for coming out of the blue. I wanted to..."

"How did you know I was here?"

"Uhm first please can we step out for a bit."

"I don't know about that, Adnan. I don't want..." I started.

"It'll just be a minute. Please don't think too much, It'll be quick I promise." He said and I couldn't say no even though I know it's better if I don't go.

This is exactly why I wanted to go away in the first place. I don't want to complicate things for myself any further and cause myself more heartache.

I looked back into the house weighing my options and sighed.

"Only a few minutes, okay?" I asked and he nodded a small smile appearing on his face.

I went back in, changed quickly and went down to meet him and we walked outside the house.

"I tried calling your number several times after that day but it wasn't going through and I was really worried about you, I went home to see you but your sister told me you were here so I came." He explained.

Wow! I can't believe he came all the way here just to see if I was doing well. That's so nice of him.

"I don't even know what to didn't have to come all the way Adnan."

"I just couldn't stay back not knowing how you were doing but I'm sorry for bothering you."

I shook my head. "No no...that's not what I mean. It's just I know you have other things to do."

We sat on a random garden bench we saw on the road. "So how are you feeling now?"

"I'm good. I was just overwhelmed with things but now I'm fine, I'm amazing actually." I replied with a small smile.

He looked at me. "I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. You look a lot happier also."

I smiled. "Yes."

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