Chapter 16

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Amrah's POV

I pulled my veil forward to cover my face in a bit to avoid any questions about my face. It was still a bit swollen and the marks were still visible. I put on some foundation to cover up the marks. It looked a bit better. I tried to avoid coming to school today altogether but I have a very important test that I can't miss. I know I'm going to receive questions which I do not want to answer so I just avoided everyone and went to the back of the class.

After my first class, I was going to my next class which was on the other side of the campus. I was about to enter the class when i was pulled to the side by Yusra. I realized I haven't seen her in a few days. It has to do with me avoiding her because I feel weird lying to her''

"Come here madam...I've been looking for you all day and I texted you but..." Yusra stopped mid-sentence as she squinted her eyes at me.

"What's with the makeup today? And what's this?" She asked as she reached and touched my face exactly where it hurts, I winced as I quickly moved back.

"What! What's that? What happened to you? did you fall or something?"

"Why's your face swollen, answer me! What happened to you?" She asked panicky.

"Yusra...." I started looking for an excuse but I couldn't think of any. "We can't talk now, I have a test and you have class. So can we talk another time, I promise to tell you everything."

She wasn't convinced but not wanting to probe me any further she agreed and told me she'll come home as soon as she can.

I have decided to just let her know about everything, she honestly deserves to know the things going on in my life. The reason I didn't tell her in the beginning was because I was scared of how she'll react. I know that she'll never keep quiet about it and she would tell maa and also confront Naseer but now maa already know so there's no need to hide it any more.

During the class, I received a lot of questions about my face and I was so tired of making up excuses so I decided to go home because the next class was a tutorial but I'm too exhausted with everything and I just want to go home.

Getting to the parking lot, I saw Adnan, he was standing by his car looking down, he seemed to be lost in thought and didn't notice me. He's the last person I want to see today, especially after what happened on Friday. I turned around slowly to go back hoping he wouldn't notice.

I only put one step forward when I heard him call my name. I stopped and looked around me to see if there was anyone looking at me, I don't want to get in trouble. He was looking at me with worry. I looked down and kept my eyes glued to the ground. He said he came to check up on me because he's been worried and asked if I needed any help with my situation.

I shook my head because I know there's nothing really he can do to help my situation and the lady thing I want is to get him involved in my drama with Naseer knowing to kind of person he is and what he's capable of.

"I'm really wortied about you, what if...I just..." he sighed. "okay please don't hesitate to let me know if you ever need any help." He said and handed me a card with his number on the back.

I took it but I knew I wouldn't use it. What's the point, I'm only going to make things more complicated for myself.

When I got home I saw that maa already came back and she cooked me my favorite meal. It really cheered me up and I really appreciated it . She and the girls have been trying to cheer up and I am beyond grateful to have them.

After maghrib prayer, I received a text from Naseer asking me to meet him outside. I expected his coming today because he hasn't called me or texted since Friday totally unlike him so I knew he will be coming soon.

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