Chapter 30

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Amrah's POV

We were all in the living room watching a program on TV but my mind was totally not on the program. I was busy chewing my fingers nervously thinking of how I'll tell mum this information. Hanifa who was sitting next to me poked me in encouragement to talk. I glared at her.

Adnan was going to come on Saturday to basically introduce himself to them and I don't know how to tell them so I figured I'll tell mum so she will tell dad for me but it's still not that easy.

I'm nowhere ready for things to be official like engagement marriage but I figured there's no harm in letting him introduce himself.

I was shocked when Hanifa just blurted it out without waiting for me and of course with some extra information that no one asked her for. I gasped as I glared at her. She shrugged with a laugh.

Maa smiled as she looked at me. She also started teasing me. I quickly got up and ran upstairs to my room not waiting to be embarrassed any further.

Hanifa followed me and I gave her a smack on her arm the moment she came in.

"Why did you do that?" I asked glaring at her.

"What did I do? I just helped you tell her!" She argued rubbing the spot I hit as she went to lie on the bed.

"Well I was going to do that myself and who asked you for all that extra information..."

"It's not like you were going to ever tell her so you better thank me for my help. I told her and she's going to help you tell Daddy! Simple."

I rolled my eyes but I know I was thankful that she helped tell her because I don't even know how I'll start telling her.

She started teasing me like always.


It's Saturday and I was a bit stressed and honestly for no reason there's really nothing that can go wrong. It's just typical Amrah overthinking every single thing.

He is supposed to come at four pm so I got ready earlier. I wore a brown and milk colored Ankara skirt and blouse and a matching veil on it. I sprayed my favorite perfume, looked myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

I prepared some snacks and drinks to give them. They were some cupcakes, samosas and some cookies we made this morning. I checked that everything was in other and sat there a bit nervous.

They arrived and Hanan was tasked to usher them to daddy's part. A few minutes later Hanifa came to the kitchen.

"Girlll, your guys friend is so handsome oo. It's like I have found a prospect oo. Abi what do you think." She said excitedly.

I started laughing. "My dear sister better stop admiring someone else's man please, he's engaged."

"That's a bummer! Why are all the fine guys taken? Mtcheww." She sighed and sat down. "Anyway whatever.."

Sometime later he texted me and I adjusted my veil and went there. I said the salam and walked into the room and found a spot and sat down. After greeting, Muhsin was teasing me like always and Adnan joined in, they were making me blush so much and I was so shy to even look into his eyes.

I sneaked a look at Adnan when he wasn't looking and he looked so good. It's like he gets more and more handsome each day, especially when he's dressed in traditional attire. I have no words, Just wow. I have to stop myself from ogling. After chatting for a while, they got going.


The semester came to an end, results came out I did very well Alhamdulilah and I started preparing to go over to Dubai to see my uncle and his family. I stayed with my uncle when I was very young, he really loved me so this holiday he told me to come and spend the holiday with his family.

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