Chapter 1.

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Amrah's POV

I flipped the page of the book I was reading and picked up the mug of coffee on my bedside. This was my typical morning since we went on the semester holidays, I wake up whatever time I wanted and stayed in bed for as long as I wanted. I loved it.

The ringing of my phone interrupted my reading, I reluctantly stretched and picked up the phone.

"Amrah I'll skin you alive when I see you. Where are you?"

"Oh my God! I completely forgot!" I said holding my forehead. I was supposed to go with my best friend for her wedding dress fitting and some last minute errands for her wedding happening in two weeks. And I completely forgot that it was today.

"What do you mean you forgot, how can you forget such a thing." She screeched

"I'm so sorry, I thought it was tomorrow. I'll quickly shower and come."

"You better."

I hurriedly finished my coffee and went to get dress I wore a pink Ankara gown and wrapped my veil after brushing my hair. There was no time for me to put anything on my face so I just applied kohl and lipgloss and grabbed my black bag. Just then my taxi man called me to notify me he was here. I locked the door.

It took about ten minutes to get there. After calling to confirm of my visit, the security let me in. I pressed on the door bell and the door was opened. There wasn't any one in the living room as I went up to her room. She was sitting on the bed making a call and shouting at whoever it was she was talking to. I pitied the poor person. I found a spot next to her and sat down.

"Wallahi this is the last time I'll call you about this thing next time I won't be so calm" she finished as she kept the phone huffing in annoyance. "Gosh I'm so exhausted, I never knew wedding planning was so stressful." She groaned

"Eyya sorry, that's expected but it'll be over soon."

"I can't wait, you know I haven't slept properly in days, and everyone is driving me nuts." She complained.

"Maybe you should just calm down and everything will fall into place." I advised.

"I can't calm down, my wedding will be a disaster if I do."

"It won't, you should just relax and enjoy the process."

She sighed and nodded.

"And by the way, you made me late for my appointment, I had to postpone it by a few hours!" She said glaring at me.

"I'm sorry ma."

"Don't sorry me, when will you ever be on time? Huh, I've known you for two years and you've never being early to anything."

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I apologized chuckling.

"Whatever!" She said rolling her eyes which made me laugh.

We went to her mums room to greet her and she was sitting on her bed making a phone call, we waited for her to be done before I greeted her. She answered cheerfully.

"How are you my dear, and how's your mum?" She asked with a kind smile.

"She's fine Alhamdulilah and how are the wedding preparations going?"

"Alhamdulilahi we thank God, your friend here is giving me a lot of trouble, talk to her." Her mum said squinting her eyes at her.

Yusra grumbled as I chuckled.

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