Chapter 10

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Amrah's POV

We finished playing the game and ate desert which tasted amazing. A bit later, Yusuf went to drop off his siblings. So and it was just me and Aisha and Aisha was sleeping over. We helped do the dishes and tidied up.

It was getting too late so I decided to go home. "It's getting late, I have to go now." I said picking my bag.

Yusra frowned. "Aww so soon, alright wait a minute." She said as she hurried upstairs and came back down barely a minute later with a gray paper bag.

"Here you go. Your gift." She handed me the bag.

I took it and opened it, it was a beautiful pink colored hand bag. "Oh my God! Thank you...It's so beautiful." I smiled happily as I gave her a hug.

She smiled. "You're welcome babe. So how are you going home?"

"I'm taking a cab."

"I can't let you take a cab by yourself, it's too late." She said glancing at her wristwatch.

"Yusra I'll be fine, besides it's not that late."

She ignored me and went out to the living room. "Bro you're going home now right?" She asked Adnan who was engrossed in the tv program he was watching.


"Okay can you please drop off Amrah at home?"

"Yeah sure."

"Oh no need, I wouldn't want to bother you." I said quickly shaking my head.

"No it's not a problem, I don't have anywhere to go, I'll drop you off." He said nicely.

I sighed in defeat as I looked at Yusra who seemed to be smiling mischievously at me.

"Alright bye, call me when you get home." Yusra said pushing me towards the car. I turned to glare at her and she winked at me chuckling.

What will I do with this girl I call my best friend! I hugged in annoyance and then got in the car and he started driving.

I really regret not telling Yusra about Naseer, if I had, I wouldn't have to be in this awkward situation. I just didn't feel ready to tell her.

I kept my eyes glued to my lap as I picked invisible dirt. I didn't look up even once.

He turned on the radio and a program was being broad casted.

"Okay and for the last segment of the show, ill say a it's goes what do you call the relationship between two naked wires?........Current affairs!" The guy exclaimed.

I turned to look at Adnan and we both burst out laughing at the same time.

"Oh God, that's so stupid!" He commented shaking his head.

"I know right." I said giggling.

"Well be going on a break and after the break I'll say another one." The anchor said as we stared at each other for a minute. The noise from the radio broke the silence, I looked out the widow as he cleared his throat.

"...what do you call the relationship between two naked wires?........Current affairs!" We cracked up laughing once again.

"Can you please turn that off?" I asked face palming.


"Oh we're here?" I stated. "Thank you so much for the ride." I said with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome." He replied as I turned and opened the door. "..Amrah?" he called.


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