Chapter 4.

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Happy new year everyone🎉❤️

Amrah's POV

"Who took my veil?"

"I can't find my other shoe."

"Someone help my zip up my gown."

The room was in chaos as everyone was getting ready for the traditional night. We were all relaxed thinking we had enough time only for her aunt to come and tell us that we had only about thirty minutes to get to the venue so everyone started rushing so everywhere in the room is scattered, there was makeup scattered on the bed, clothes everywhere.

Yusra was in the other room with her glam people doing her makeup, the camera men and the videographers. Yusra was such a perfectionist and she has to have everything done perfectly so she took the other room so no one will disturb her people.

I had already worn my clothes all that was left was for me to my makeup and head tie. The makeup artist who was doing Khadijah's own was done so I sat to wait for my turn. I asked her to please do a simple look for me and she did exactly as I asked, I loved my makeup. She tied my head tie beautifully and honestly I didn't recognize myself.

The bride was done with her makeup and pictures and it was time to take pictures with her. She was wearing a burgundy dress, with a long cape trailing behind her. She wore siliver shoes and silver jewelry. Her makeup was so beautiful. She looked gorgeous.

"Oh my God! Look at you, you look so beautiful Masha Allah." She giggled shyly as she twirled to showcase her beautiful dress, the designer did an amazing job.

We were wearing silvery ash coloured dresses and it looked so good with her burgundy dress. We went outside and took pictures. After taking pictures we got into the car and went to the venue. I took countless pictures and videos of her.

On getting to the venue we got down and lined up by the entrance to get in. Her hands were shaking, she was so nervous, she held my hand tightly.

"Oh my God Amrah I'm so nervous, What if I trip and fall. What if..." she asked nervously.

I assured her that she'll be fine and we did some breathing exercises to calm her down.

"Thank you so much, what would I do without you. I feel so much better now." She hugged me and then the music started playing and it was our cue to dance in. I honestly just walked in swaying a little, I am such terrible dancer.

The hall was decorated so beautifully. It was amazing.

Yusra walked in too a few steps behind us, she elegantly danced in. She was so composed and calm I would never guess that she was nervous. I would faint if I had this many people looking at me and taking pictures of me. The smile on her face as she danced in showed how happy she was to be marrying the love of her life and I couldn't be happier.

The groom also came a few minutes later escorted by his friends. He was wearing white which went well with her burgundy dress, she smiled shyly as he approached her and I also couldn't stop smiling .

They looked so good together Masha Allah. She couldn't stop smiling and him also it was evident how in love those two were.

I silently prayed for their love to last till the end of them and for Allah to bless them with pious children.

I wished for something so beautiful for myself too. I imagined myself sitting on the chair as my groom came up to me. I smiled at the thought and I immediately lost my smile when I remembered Naseer.

I never felt the butterflies in my tummy when I thought of being married to him, I didn't see him as my groom. I quickly sent the thought away and focused on my best friends happiness.

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