Chapter 31

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Amrahs POV

It was a gloomy day today. The weather blazing cold as a souvenir from the earlier rain fall. I opened the window of my room which I had earlier closed to avoid the rain from seeping through and then took a deep breath. The earthy smell as a result of rain meeting the sand hit my nostrils. It was a smell that I loved for some reason ever since I was a child. The rain, the clouds the gloominess was something I always loved as a matter of fact. It always comforted me.

I walked back into bed and resumed reading my book that I had started earlier this morning, I was already half way through. It was a captivating story, a fantasy book which I am totally not into but this one was recommended to me by my reading partner and I fell in love instantly.

The main character in this book reminded me of a certain someone who seems to not want to leave my mind for even a second. I think about him every minute of the day and when I'm not awake daydreaming I am asleep dreaming about him. What sort of thing is this. I haven't felt this way EVER! Is this what love is? If it is then I understand today why people absolutely loose their marbles when they are in love. I literally count the hours or minutes till our next phone call or when next we will see each other. I think I've gone crazy in love.

I only recently admitted to myself that I am in love with Adnan but I certainly have been in love for a while. It feels weird and in the best way possible. It's a mixture of emotions that I can't even describe because they are so foreign to me. It's exciting having all these soft fuzzy feelings but it's so nerve racking the thoughts of the possibility of separation.

I tried my hardest to suppress the feelings, make them go away, accept my fate and fulfill my duties and I almost succeeded but if turns out God had other plans. Naseer suddenly changed his mind one day and has not contacted me even once. I haven't heard even a whisper from him and while I am relieved to be left alone I can't help but worry my freedom is only temporary.

Daddy said he found a way to solve the issue with the business as well as our house and he found a way to be free of the obligations of this loan but what if naseer comes up again.

Adnan and I are still getting to know each other on a deeper level, each day is a discovery for me, i keep learning what a kind, amazing, fantastic man he is . I am short of words to describe him. He is so gentle with me, so patient with me, he always puts me first and speaks to me with the kindest most thoughtful words. He literally couldn't be more perfect to me. It was hard for me to let go of my walks and open up but I have started to do so . I feel completely myself and completely safe with him.

Adnan over the past few months became a very integral part of my life it seems that I can't live without him anymore, he's the first person I want to share every good or bad news with. He comes to see me so often. Now both my mum and my uncle have met him and they both approve.

After the whole ordeal with naseer who just disappeared from my life. I still can't believe that he's gone and it's over. Because I know Naseer he doesn't just give up like that so something very serious must have happened for him to just leave me. Well whatever it is I am happy for it and I'm super grateful that he's out of my life.

I came back from visiting my uncle and school resumed. It was my final semester,I am graduating from university very soon, it's about 2 months to graduation. I am very excited to be done but at the same time very anxious about the future. What's the next step for me? I know I will be doing my corps service for a year but after that, should I get a job or what.

Today was a Sunday and after a whole week of stressful meetings with my course advisor I decided to dedicate the day to self care and relaxation and it's very well deserved.

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