Chapter 11

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Eid Mubarak to you all ❤️✨

Amrah's POV.

School resumed last two weeks and I was initially excited to go back but right now I am so over it and cant wait to be done. Zainab started her fashion school this monday so we all go to school together. School aside, today was the release of money heist and i couldnt be more excited. Hanan, Zainab and i stayed awake to binge watch the last three seasons to refresh our memories.

I had two classes and one was cancelled so i got back home earlier.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs and prepared us some snacks and refreshments for us to munch on while we watched. I went and arranged everything in the living room, I then brought down some blankets. I was honestly so tempted to start watching on my own but the girls made me pinky swear so I decided to just keep my promise.

I took out my phone and texted Zee.

'Girl where are you? I cant wait any longer.'

'It's a busy day at work today😩, but ill be back soon, and you better not start watching without me!😒'

I started scrolling through Instagram as I waited. A few minutes later they came back.

"Thank God! Hurry up."

"Okay okay just a minute." She said scurrying upstairs.

We watched the whole season in about four hours and it was worth the wait. I cried my eyes out though. This season was so intense and depressing at the same time very exciting.

After sulking for some minutes. We cooked and ate then I went upstairs to take a nap. I had started drifting asleep when someone pinched my bum.

"Ahh.." I jolted up in fright as i rubbed the place. I heard someone giggling.

"Yusra!" I exclaimed frowning at her as she continued laughing.

"Did you not learn how to knock, huh." I asked huffing in annoyance.

"Nope." She answered with a shrug as she plopped herself on the bed. "Get your ass up and get dressed, were going out."

"Where to?"

"You'll see, it's a surprise." She said giggling. I looked at her suspiciously but I still went to take a bath, when I came out, she had two different outfits on my bed for me to choose. They were a bit too much for me at the moment.

"Yusra I'm not going to where any of those, I will wear this." I said picking out one of my long gowns that I liked to wear.

"Uhmmm..Whatever just wear it lets go." She said glaring at me. I smiled in satisfaction and dressed up.

"Oh wow, you actually look nice in this, maybe I should start trusting your fashion sense."

"Yeah you should."

I wrapped my veil and lined my eye with kohl and rubbed my pink lip gloss. i took my phone from the charger and we got going. She took us to Dining delight. It is one of mine and Hanan's restaurants to eat.

She kept pressing her phone and texting, she was acting hella suspicious. She kept giving me these looks and giggling. I was trying to figure out what she was up to but I couldn't do I just let her be. ill just have to wait to find out.

"Amrah I need to use the bathroom." She said getting up and she picked her bag.

"Huh I'll go with you" I said getting up to.

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