Chapter 25

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Adnan's POV

I looked at the two cups of coffee on my table, one was full and the other was half empty. It's almost one thirty at night, my head is throbbing badly. I was very sleepy despite the amount of coffee I had consumed. This is my second day of having barely any sleep. It was one meeting after another, several visits to the hospitals, preparing to meet the investors.

Things have been really hectic. There was barely any time to take a break. I haven't had proper sleep since I arrived. I've been trying to finish up with my work so I can catch a few minutes of sleep before the meetings at 9am in the morning before I meet with the people from the insurance company.

I finally finished at around three thirty pm and went back to the house. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. I felt like I had only closed my eyes when I heard my phone ring.

I stretched and picked my phone saw that it was Yusra calling.


"Hi Yusra, How are you?"

"I'm you've forgotten all about your favorite sister right?"

I laughed "Who says you are my favorite sister? And of course I haven't forgotten about you."

"Then why have you been ignoring my calls?"

"I'm sorry Yusra, I was actually meaning to call you back. It just completely skipped my mind. You know I've been really busy with work. Things have been really hectic."

"Yeah mum said you had to travel for work. I hope everything is going well?"

"Yes it is. Alhamdulilah."

"Oh alright then, I just wanted to check up on you, oh and btw Amrah is getting married next tomorrow."

I quickly sat up in my bed as I felt all the sleep leave my eyes. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, it was so sudden and I just thought I should let you know since you know..."

I closed my eyes as I let out a heavy sigh. I didn't expect this at all. I knew she said she had to get married to Naseer but I never expected it to be this soon, I thought by the time I got back home, everything will be sorted and my plans would work out.

"Yeah, thanks Yusra." I said barely finding my voice. "I..uhm let me call you back."

"Okay then bye, Take care!" She said and hung up.

I sat there for a few minutes lost. I didn't know what to do or if there was anything at all I can do. But I know I can't stay back and do nothing. I picked up my phone and dialed Abdul's number to hear if there was any progress. He picked up at the first ring and when I asked he didn't give me the answer I wanted to hear.

"Listen Abdul, this is really urgent. You have no idea what is at stake here. Please do everything possible and exhaust all your resources to get it done."

"Okay, I would try my very best."

I hung up and quickly showered, dressed up and headed downstairs to the car. I was already running late so I didn't have time for breakfast. We got to the office and the meeting started. It took a long while before the meeting was over and it was obvious just how distracted I was. I couldn't help but worry about what would happen if I didn't get those documents on time. She would be married to Naseer. It was driving me nuts just sitting there in the meeting. The more I remember that she was getting married next tomorrow the more anxious.

We came out of the meeting with the assistant.

"Please book me the next available flight back to Abuja."

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