Chapter 19

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Amrah's POV

Hanan's birthday is today and I figured I can't mope around all day sad and feeling sorry for myself. I have to have some energy in order not to disappoint her, yesterday midnight I forgot I had to stay up and wish her and slept off and it's being our thing for the longest time to wish each other at midnight so I had to make it up to her.

We woke up very early to make preparations. She was going to have a little get together with her close friends so Hanifa and I are going to be the ones to make the food and snacks and since Hanifa was an excellent baker there was no need to order a cake, she will also be baking the cake.

While we were working in the kitchen, Hanan was busy getting ready and doing her makeup. The birthday starts at four pm, it's two pm right now and we are almost done. Hanifa was presently icing the cake while I was rounding up the salad.

This was a distraction from overthinking and studying and I welcomed it with open arms. At around four thirty all her friends started coming and by then we had finished everything and arranged it on the big table, she came down looking so pretty, she was wearing a black fitted mermaid dress and a light makeup, she looked lovely. I ended up being her photographer as she took pictures with all her friends,

"Ah ah babes, look at you!"

"You look amazing.." I complimented as I got my phone and took some pictures of her.

She blushed swirling around the showcase her dress.

I quickly went upstairs and brought out her birthday gift that Hanifa and I got her. We ordered it about a month ago and luckily they arrived before her birthday. It was the new collection of her favorite makeup products that she won't stop talking about.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this." She squealed as she excitedly took them out. "I love it, thank you soooo much." She said giving me and Hanifa a hug and a peck on the cheeks.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you love it."

We all had an amazing time and took tons of pictures. The food was delicious and the cake was beyond amazing, you would never guess that it was homemade. I encouraged her to start her business as soon as possible because her cakes were amazing.

I was exhausted by the time everything was over. My feet were hurting, I needed some rest but then I remembered I have to study. I went upstairs to take a shower and wore comfy clothes. The shower was so relaxing, I felt so much better. After taking a shower I wore my pajama shorts and t-shirt and my warm socks.

I started doing my skincare routine, I was starting to break out so I started taking serious again. I was putting on my rose infused facial serum when Hanan came into the room looking dejected unlike a few minutes ago when she won't stop smiling.

"What's with the long face?" I asked looking at her through the mirror.

She sat on my bed and I went to sit next to her. "Come on tell me what's wrong, you were fine just a minute ago."

"Nothing, I just don't want you to marry Naseer. Not after what he did to you."

"What happened?" I asked my heart racing.

"Naseer's dad is with daddy right now and they are talking about you guys getting engaged next week."

"What, are you serious? " I asked in confusion. She nodded quickly.

I slowly retracted and sat on the floor. Tears blinded my vision and I swallowed past the lump in my throat. I held my hand to my head as I felt a headache suddenly. I starting reciting any dua that came to mind, I needed to calm my racing heart. I picked up my phone and dialled Naseer's number. This is what he was talking about when he threatened me yesterday.

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