Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to @xee_nouri and @xeeateeq thank you for your vote🫶

Adnan's POV

On getting to the office, I called for a meeting
with the insurance company for Monday morning to discuss our next step. I then called for a meeting with our company lawyer as well as the chief operating officer so we can get advice on the way to move forward.

I took a seat at the front of the big conference table as I started to speak. "As you're all aware this is a difficult time for this company so we need to work together to navigate this difficulty." I said looking at their solemn faces one after the other.

"Mr Salim tell me, I need information what happened to cause this accident, was it negligence or something else so we can know how we can prevent it from happening again. This is is the second time, I don't want a third occasion." I asked looking in his direction.

"Right now the emergency responders are analyzing the damage and losses incurred. We're still waiting for feedback." My executive assistant informed me as he took a sit next to my secretary who was taking notes of the meeting on the laptop.

I nodded. "Ok while we wait, I need you to send an email to the board of directors informing them of the steps being taken and everything is under control."

"Yes sir. What about our distributors who are waiting for deliveries?" He asked. My eyes widened reminding me of the biggest problem from this incident. We have distributors waiting for their delivery. I completely forgot about that. How can we make their deliveries when all the goods have burnt to the grown and the factory is in shambles.

I got up and started pacing the room trying to think of a solution.

"Sir what if we ask for the Lagos branch to increase on their production. Increase the quota and that way we can make our deliveries." My assistant suggested. I paused to think about it. It could work actually.

"That's not a bad idea actually Vivian. Let's call the operations manager and see if they have enough raw materials." I replied coming back to stand at the head of the long meeting table.

She nodded with a bright hopeful smile. She always has good ideas. The most important quality I looked for was a hardworking person and one who could think on their feet.

We concluded the meeting after discussing with the lawyer about the next steps to move forward. We discussed at length of all the possible outcomes and how to tackle it. We also discussed compensations for all the workers and then we would wait and see if any of the workers file a case but we hope they don't. I told him to start filling paperwork for the insurance claim.

I was back in my office checking all the paper work and signing off documents and my secretary came back in. He informed me that my Dad called and said he'll be here tomorrow morning. I felt a cold sweat run down my face. I was dreading this. I wanted to finish sorting things out before he came back so I can have something tangible to say but now he's coming abruptly and I still haven't even found out the exact reason of this fire.

I placed my head on the table in exasperation. The day just seems to be getting worse by the minute.

"Sir are you okay?" I heard my secretaries voice ask bringing my attention back.

"Huh" I murmured and sat back up. "Yeah yeah I'm okay don't worry."

She nodded in understanding and turned to go out. "Sir do you want anything to eat?" She asked politely holding the door

"No thank you. I don't have an appetite." I answered with a grateful smile. My parched throat hurt as I talked. "If you could make me some tea though I'll really appreciate it."

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