Chapter 13

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Adnan's POV

The past few days have not been easy, finding out Amrah was in a relationship was hard but trying to accept it was even harder. I honestly had no idea what to feel. It was a whirlwind of emotions, I was shocked, devastated and sad. I have just being all over the place, I have no motivation to do anything.

I have never before in my life wanted any one the way I want her, I basically planned my life with her and now the thought of a future without her makes absolutely no sense to me. Knowing she's with another man and can't be mine hurts so badly. The only thing I can do right now is pray to Allah to heal my heart and give me someone else.

I just closed from work. All I want to do is get some sleep. I've barely had any sleep for the past three days. After starting the ignition, my phone rang. It was Aisha calling.

"Hey darling brother! Where are you?"

"Aisha, what do you want?" I asked already knowing she wanted something from her tone.

"Ha ah! Who said I wanted something?" She wined. "Okay fine, please can buy me that cheesecake from dining delight?"

"Uh sorry Aisha but I'm already on the way home and I'm so tired."

"Ya please, it's on the way home and besides it's very close to your office."

I sighed tiredly. "Fine"

"Thank you so much. I love you muah!"

I smiled and got into the car and drove there, I went in bought the cake and headed out to the parking lot. After putting the cake in the car and was about to get in, I started to hear faint voices of shouting and someone crying from behind me but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I got in and from the rear view mirror I could see them clearer, it was a tall guy and a girl in a black dress, the guy slapped her and he choked her, at that moment I knew I had to intervene. It could have been my sister or relative and I would want someone to help them if they ever found themselves in this situation God forbid so I have to help her.

I got off the car and hurried towards them. "Hey man will you please let her go."  I asked as I took his hands off from her neck.

I looked at the girl and asked if she was okay, she looked up at me and my eyes widened in shock.



It can't be.

"Amrah?" I whispered in surprise.

Her face was red with tears streaming down her puffy eyes. There was a cut on her lip and her cheeks were swollen. She was gasping finding it difficult to breathe.

My heart started pounding really loudly. What the hell was happening? who is this guy? and why is he hurting her?

I hadn't recovered from my shock when he pushed me to the wall with a lot of force.

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do..." He stopped as he looked up at me with his red eyes. "Oh so this is him right? You called lover boy didn't you huh" He asked angrily as he grabbed her jaw. She let out a scream as she pleaded.

I was livid. "Let her go" I ordered pronouncing each word slowly. I prayed for his sake he did as I asked because even I don't know what I am capable of at this moment.

"Answer me." He ordered digging his hands deeper into his skin ignoring me. She screamed as she pleaded.

"I said let her go!" I growled anger coursing through my veins with my fists clenched tightly by my sides.

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