Chapter 29

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Amrah's POV

Amrah hurry we're late!" Hanifa yelled my name from downstairs.

"I'm coming one minute." I replied back as I hurriedly applied kohl in my eyes and rubbed my pink strawberry lip balm. I looked bright and refreshed especially because of my small braids. Theirs something about plaiting your hair and having clearer and brighter skin.

I was wearing a silver/ grey-ish abaya decorated with stones and sequins all over. I then wrapped my matching veil over my head. I looked simple and beautiful. I was satisfied with my appearance.

It's eid morning, we woke up as early as possible today to start cooking food and preparing the house. We had prepared a lot of things the previous night so it was easy to just make the main food this morning.

I quickly slipped on my black flat shoes, picked my phone and my prayer mat and rushed downstairs to meet everyone. Hanan was wearing a milk colour abaya exactly like mine, it was a gift from our aunty when she travelled abroad. Hanifa wore a maroon red boubou. Maa was also ready in her yellow lace, she looked so beautiful like a young girl. She then wore a long hijab over it.

"Wow maa you look so beautiful. Like a bride wallah." I complimented coming down the stairs.

"Exactly what I said." Hanifa said in agreement.

"What bride for Gods sake." Maa said shaking her head with a laugh.

"Let's take a picture everyone." Hanan said bringing out her phone for a selfie.

"What picture Hanan, we're late for the prayer. Let's go quickly." Maa said grabbing her car keys quickly and went out as we trailed behind her.

We luckily arrived the prayer ground on time. It was very close to our house so we got there quickly. Although we had to park our car at a bit of a distance because there were so many people that there was no space to park.

We found a spot and prayed all together afterwards we sat and listened to the khutbah.

After the prayer we bumped into Yusra who came to the prayer with her husband. We exchanged pleasantries. Yusra reminded me that she was hosting a bbq on the third day of Eid. I actually forgot so it was good that she reminded me.

We got home and set the dinning table. We made Jollof rice, Chinese rice and shredded beef, peppered chicken, coleslaw along with the snacks we made yesterday. We sat all together and eat and laughed.

Later we took food to our close neighbors which we did every Eid. We always send food to our neighbors and they always did the same. It was a nice way to spread love and community.

The first day we stayed at home and entertained the guests who came over while the second day we went to see our relatives and close family friends with my mum and the girls. It was very fun to see our family and catch up with them.


Today is Yusra's Eid party that she was hosting in her home for us girls. I got dressed in my blue lace which was sewn into a half bou bou dress and skirt. I tied my head tie in a simple and elegant way and wrapped a matching veil over my body. I did my simple makeup, I rubbed some powder, lined my eyes with black kohl, filled my brows a little bit and brushed it then I applied my pink lip gloss. It was a very simple look yet I looked so good if I say so myself.

Hanifa was already ready in the living room waiting for us while Hanan was still dressing up so I went to her room to check up on her.

"Hanan we're waiting for you." She was standing in front of the mirror with a deep frown on her face. She was wearing a pink ankara skirt and blouse which for her perfectly. "What's wrong?" I asked noticing her stress.

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