Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to Nasiadam and zeeekadir Thanks for voting.💞

Amrah's POV

The oven beeped notifying me that my dish was ready, I put my mittens and took it out from the oven, it was perfectly done, just the right shade of brown. I took out a foil paper and covered it and went up to get ready.

Yusra came back a week ago and she invited me to her house for lunch with her family and friends. I decided to make chicken and potato casserole to take along.

I took a shower and got dressed in a red gown with long sleeves and a gold veil, I powdered my face, applied kohl and lipgloss. I then wore my gold slippers and a matching gold bag.

I quickly went to Maa to let her know that I'm leaving. I then got into a taxi. Her new home was a bit farther than our house.

The house was even more beautiful than what I imagined. I knocked on the door with one hand while holding the dish in the another.

The door opened revealing a smiling Yusra, wearing a black abaya with golden embellishments and a pink apron on it.



We both screeched as we hugged each other happily like two crazy kids. We broke the hug as I looked at her better. She looked much prettier than I remembered and she has this happiness glow on her face.

"You look amazing!" I complimented.

"Thank you, you look good too!" She replied blushing. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too." I replied taking off my shoes.

"Wow! Your house is so beautiful, Masha Allah." I complimented as I walked in looking at the decorations in the living room in awe. Everything was just so amazing and well put together and she decorated everything.

"Thank you!"

"Girl you should consider a career in interior decoration." I suggested.

"Oh shush." She said waving a hand as we both laughed. We went into the kitchen, the island was scattered with all sort of food ingredients. I said hi to Aisha who was chopping some onions.

"I made a casserole dish, where should I put it?" I asked extending the dish to her.

"Oh wow, you didn't have to." She exclaimed taking the box. "Thank you so much!"

"Mmmmhhhh this tastes heavenly." She moaned after taking a bite. "You need to give me your recipe."

"Sure, what can I help you with?"

"Uh there isn't much left, you can help me finish making the salad."

"Okay." I said excitedly as I kept my bag to the side, I grabbed the extra apron and we got to work. She told me that the other guests were her husbands siblings, her cousin and his friends. We cooked as she told us about all the adventures from Bali and Thailand.

"Hello ladies!" Yusuf chirped as he popped his head into the kitchen.


"Hey Amrah, how are you?" He asked walking further into the kitchen.

"I'm fine, Alhamdulilah. How about you?"

"Great! Do you guys need any help." He questioned sitting on the chair.

"No but you can set the dining area outside."

"Okay, anything for you Bebe." He said pecking her nose. I saw her blush as she pushed him out of the kitchen. I giggled seeing her blushing face. She playfully narrowed her eyes at me.

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