Chapter 14

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Amrah's POV.

I entered the house through the back door because I didn't want anyone to see me. For some reason the door felt ten times heavier compared to how I remember. It was probably due to how dizzy I felt added my banging head and my hazy vision.

I sat on my bed and thinking back to earlier. I covered my mouth to stop my sobs from escaping. I was holding my tears all the way home and now it felt so good to let it out. Remembering how naseer hit me hurt my heart so bad, I felt so little. This is not the first time Naseer has hurt me but usually it's him pushing me, slapping or holding my hand tightly but today was different. He hurt me the worst of all, everywhere hurts.

Seeing Adnan protecting me and getting so angry over what naseer did to me was so heart warming. I can't even describe the relief I felt seeing adnan. I was so scared, I've never seen him so angry. Who knows what Naseer would have done if Adnan didn't come on time.

I don't know what's wrong with me, why can't I just speak up and say and say what he's been doing and that I don't want to marry him. Maybe it's cos I'm scared no one will believe me and that's because Naseer is seen as such a responsible and perfect guy. Everyone tells me how lucky I am to have him even aunty taunts me because she wishes Naseer was with Amina instead. Also because I don't want to reject daddy's choice, I'll seem ungrateful, he has been so happy about the relationship or maybe It's just because I'm a weak idiot who can't speak up for herself.

I know Adnan was very angry with me for making excuses for Naseer and trying to help him but I didn't try to him because I cared for him, I just didn't want Adnan to harm Naseer and get in trouble because of me. I can't ever forgive myself for that. I know Naseer and he won't this slide, I feel sick to my stomach knowing him and what he's capable of, he used to tell me about what he does to people who cross him.

The door opened abruptly, I quickly dabbed my tears away and turned my face away from the door.

"Amrah..." Hanifa gasped as she rushed to me. "Subhanallah! Amrah what happened to your face?" She asked in an alarmed voice as she held my face in her hands and inspected it.

"'s nothing..I just..uhm." I stuttered looking for the perfect lie but me being such a terrible liar I wasn't convincing. She sat next to me and turned me to face her.

"You better stop lying and tell me the truth now."

I looked at her and I knew this was my chance at least let me tell someone. I asked myself, I'm I really willing to be with Nasser and marry him and he keeps hurting me like this knowing he'll only get worse. I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst into another fit of tears. She quickly hugged as she let me cry to my hearts content as she rubbed my hair soothingly. I really needed that hug. When I calmed down a bit she asked me what happened.

"" I hiccuped unable to talk properly.

"Naseer? What happened, were you guys in an accident? Amrah speak up you're scaring me" She asked, I shook my head and started telling her everything that happened choking on my sobs.

"What?! You mean Naseer did this to you!"

She exclaimed angrily with her eyes blazing. "Oh hell no! How dare he? Who does he think he is to hurt you like this..." She fumed pacing the room angrily and stormed to the door. I quickly got up and stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

"To tell maa of course, you don't expect me to sit and let this slide."

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