Chapter 2.

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Amrah's POV

Today Thursday which is the day we will be leaving for Yusra's wedding. Her wedding was taking place in Niger state, which is our hometown.

I was so excited for the journey, after all it's my besties wedding and it's my first time being a bridesmaid.

I showered and got dressed in an A-shaped Ankara gown and tied my head tie.

I had already packed my suit case the night before, the only thing left was the pack my toiletries. I was closing my suitcase when Hanan came into the room looking sullen.

"What's with the long face." I questioned as I finished zipping the suitcase.

"You're going to leave me all alone." She said with a sad pout.

"You aren't all alone, ma is here besides it's just for three days. I'll be back in no time." I consoled with a smile.

"Anyways have fun, take pictures and videos and send to me okay?" I nodded hugging her just then our house help came to tell me that Maa was ready to leave. I took my bag and all the other things like my charger, earphones and my veil and went downstairs. Maa was going to drop me off on her way out.

In about ten minutes we reached, I bade Maa goodbye promising to call her as soon as we arrived and went in. On entering the house, yusra came forward and gave me a bone crushing hug almost making me lose balance.

"Girl! I can't believe my wedding is in two days!" She squealed.

"I can't believe it too." I said as we both jumped like two fools.

We went to her room where all her other bridesmaids were there. She introduced us to each other. They were her cousins and some of her friends from secondary school and two of our classmates from school Khadijah and Zainab.

"Hi everyone!" I said awkwardly as I sat down.

"Hi" They replied cheerfully.

We all prayed Zuhur and our stuff were loaded in the car and we got on the way. We were all in the same car, we chatted, sang songs, played games on the road. It was so fun, none of us slept.

We arrived at around five thirty. Their family house was beautiful, beautiful is actually an understatement for it. I was in awe of it just by the exterior, I really thought the house in Abuja was it but this is something else.

The gates were wide open and there were so many cars parked everywhere, people were still arriving from various places for the wedding and the house was already full of people.

We went round with her to greet all her relatives and my knees started to hurt. I got to see the interior of the house well and I was gobsmacked.

After greeting everyone we then went to her bedroom, it was a big and spacious, neatly organized and there was incense burning by a corner which gave the room a very nice fragrance.

"I'm so hungry and tired." Yusra groaned as she fell on the bed. I lied down next to her and sighed blissfully at how comfortable it was.

Just then the door opened and some girls brought in food snacks drinks etcetera. We ate to our hearts content and prayed. After I settled down, I called Maa to tell her we had arrived safely, then I also spoke to Hanan.

We got ready for the henna party, it was just us ladies, there were mats and carpets spread on the floor and some cushions here and there. I loved the atmosphere, a bunch of ladies laughing and discussing.

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