Chapter 28

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Amrah's POV

'Thank you so much for trusting our company. We will not disappoint you." I said shaking the hand of one of our main investors as they left the room.

It was stressful convincing this people not to back out but Alhamdulilah we were able to.

I heaved a long sigh of relief as I fell back on my chair.

Finally I'm done with everything single meeting and everything else I've had to do here and it's finally time to go back home, I miss home so much. It was treacherous having to spend the whole month of Ramadan here alone and honestly I'm just glad it's finally over and I can go home.

The company is now very much stable and back in order. Of course I will have to travel here once in a while to see the process of rebuilding the warehouses but besides that I'm good for a while.

Mr Bukar, the actual managing director over here came in and we finished all the formalities and I handed over everything to him.

"Mr El-Hussein, it was such a great honor working along side you this past few weeks and I really learnt a lot from you. I just wished you didn't have to go back to the Abuja, why not stay over here."

I chuckled shaking my head. "I would rather not honestly besides if I come back here who's going to take care of things over there?"

"Maybe if you get married you can relocate here." He teased.

"No please, I'll let you keep doing your thing over here, I'm good where I am."

He laughed as we shook hands. "Thank you also for everything. I'll be leaving now."

I went down and the driver took me home to get my stuff and we headed straight to the airport.

I hadn't told my mum or Amrah I was coming back today, the last time we talked, I told her I had some very important matters to deal with here, she wanted me to come back even for a day on Eid but since I wanted to surprise her I had lied that I couldn't make it so I am looking forward to surprising them both.

I can't wait to see Amrah. It was hell being away form her for so long. I could have went back home a few times during the weekends but I know it'll be much more heart wrenching having to see her for a semi second and then coming back so I just decided to leave it when I come back for good.

I miss her cute face, her infectious smile and honestly everything about her.

I smiled remembering her sad pout when I was leaving and all those times she'll scold me if I tell her I forgot to eat.

Oh Allah. I love that girl.

We landed and I went outside to meet Muhsin was at the airport waiting for me. We exchanged pleasantries and I put my things in the booth and we got going.

"Guess what?" He asked with a smile.

"What is it?" I asked turning down the volume of the radio.

"I said to guess."

"Come on stop teasing me. I can't guess right now."

He smiled looking straight ahead. "Fatima agreed to marry me and next week we're getting engaged InshaAllah." He said with a big happy grin.

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed happily. "Masha Allah. I'm happy for you man."

"Wow... I can't believe this honestly so you're sure this is it?"

"Yes I was sure from the moment I met her."

I smiled seeing the happiness written all over Muhsin's face. It was wholesome to see. Fatima is for sure lucky to be marrying a person like Muhsin. Such a kind hearted happy person.

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