Chapter 32

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Jessica's POV

I can't believe that Rogers attacked my team members like that. I understand that Loki caused the attack on New York, but before the committee accepted Loki onto the team, they questioned him about the attack. While they agreed to accept him on the team, he had to be under constant adult supervision.

Not to mention, Tony arranged a press conference for Loki in order for him to publicly apologize for the attack on New York and he promised to repay for his mistakes by working with the New Avengers to protect the Earth. I guess the rogues missed that one.

Anyway, I decided to visit Tony down into the labs. I swiped my card into the card pad, which turned green and I went into the labs. Once I entered into the labs, I saw Tony, with blue prints appearing on the screens, working on a new project.

"Hey, Tony. What are you working on? Is it a new project?"

"Hey, Arachne. Well, it's projects. One: I'm working on building a new suit that would cooperate with my Extremis and Infinity Stone powers"

"That's cool. I can't wait to see the final design of the suit"

"Yeah, and two: I'm working on new suits and equipment for all of the Avengers team, mostly for the Young Avengers team"

"Tony, you don't have to do that. My team's fine about the use of your suits or equipment, and I'm sure that the other teams would be fine as well"

"I know, but I want to. Besides, every team member's going to have a contract with Stark Industries. And would have to pay for their own suits and equipment, except for the Young Avengers since the team's full of minors"

"As much as I appreciate the offer, Tony, I'm going to have to refuse. I don't want to use you the way the former Avengers and former SHIELD used you"

"Come on, Jessica. I know that you or your team won't try to take advantage of me. Unlike the former Avengers, I can trust you, your team and the rest of the New Avengers"

"Well, alright. But I want you to finish your new suit before you work on anybody else's suits or equipment, deal?"

"I think that I can agree with this compromise, deal", he said, shaking my hand in mock agreement. Then, I noticed Rogers' shield hanging on the wall.

"Hey, Tony. What are you going to do with Rogers' shield over there?"

"Well, I had some options. Clint could use a new bow and arrows, Harley could use an upgrade on his iron-suit, you could use an upgrade on your iron-suit, Peter could use a upgrade on his iron spider-suit. I think that you get the point"

"Yeah, I think the point came across quite clearly", I answered sarcastically.

"But then, I decided that I would give it the King of Wakanda"

"Really? How come?"

"Well, even though the shield legally belongs to Stark Industries, the shield was made by black marketed vibranium, which can only be found in Wakanda. I thought that it would be the right thing to do if I returned what was stolen from them"

"I agree, but what if they don't want it back?"

"Well. Like I listed, I have multiple options", he said, smirking at me.

"Ok, Tony. Well, I don't want to distract you anymore than I've done, so I'll leave you to it"

"Alright, Jess. I'll see you later". Once I left the labs, I was face-to-face with the rogue Avengers.

"What do you want?!", I asked sharply. I was still angry at them for attacking my teammates.

"We need to talk to Tony", Rogers answered

"No problem. Just scan your cards on the key pad, then you can enter the labs". Their cards don't allow them to have access to the labs, unless it's Barnes.

"But our cards don't work on that door"

"Well, then it's not my problem". I tried to walk away, but Romanov stepped in front of me.

"Come on. You know that we're Tony's friends; we just want to talk to him for a few minutes"

"One: you're not his friends; friends wouldn't put shields in other friends' chests, then abandoned them in another country", I retorted, glaring at Rogers "And two: I'm not stopping you for talking to Tony. You just need the access, which you don't have, so I don't know what you want me to do about that"

"Can't we just borrow your card for a few minutes, then we'll give it back when we're done talking with Tony?", Romanov asked as if she was talking to a child. Nice try, spy. But those tricks aren't going to work on me.

"Sure, I'll just give my valuable, exclusive and irreplaceable card to a group of people who don't have access to a specific area", I answered sarcastically, but the sarcasm seemed to go over some people's heads.

"Thank you. We appreciate it". I looked at Rogers with a blank look on my face. I hope that he's joking. There's no way that this guy seriously thinks that I'll give him my card. There's got to be a punch line in this. Rogers' face didn't change from the grateful face that he had on. No, he's serious.

"You're kidding me, right? I'm not going to give my access card to bunch of terrorists and criminals". I tried to walk away again, but then the witch pushed me towards the wall and held me in place with her powers.

"You don't get to talk to us like that!". Thank goodness Dr. Strange's spell worked because I felt her try to reach into my mind. "I can't read her mind! What did you do?!"

"Me? Nothing. I just had help from a new friend. Now, if you mind, I would appreciate if you would stop your temper tantrum and put me down"

"Come on, we just want your access card, can't you just give it to us for a few minutes?". The delusion. I swear that it's going to kill me faster than anything on or off of Earth.

"No! Besides, the card can only be used by me, exclusively. It won't work if you use it"

"Liar!". Suddenly, I saw that the rogues were hit by a different surge of power. I knew that it had to be Ethan. And Wanda let go of me as soon as she was knocked down.

"Enough! Leave our team leader alone". Pietro? I thought that he said wasn't going to come near the compound when the rogues arrived.


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