Chapter 26

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Tony's POV

With the news of the newly recruited Dr. Strange on the team, the kids and the other team members started to relax a little bit. The kids were still not happy about the fact that the witch was still joining the team until further notice, but they were okay that someone was willing to help protect their minds.

As usual, I was in my office, planning out the rosters for the newly added teams in the Avenger, except for the fact that Carol Danvers' cat was in here, just staring at me. This cat hasn't stopped following me since she arrived here. Carol says that I'm one of the very few people who she likes, so I guess I kind of appreciate it. The worst part is everyone has been staying as far away from as possible because of her. I don't know why though, she's just a cat.

"Hey, Tony", Jessica said as she walked into my office. "Oh, Ms. Danvers' flerken's still following you around?"

"Yeah, I don't know why though?". Then, I realized that Jessica called her a flerken instead of a cat. This is a cat, right? "I'm sorry, but did you say a flerken? What's a flerken?"

"I don't know. Ethan and Ms. Danvers won't tell me. Ethan keeps saying that I don't want to know, but I do know that you're one of the very few people who she likes. She won't even let Ethan get close to her like you are"

"Really? Well, I guess I can appreciate that. So, do you need something?"

"Well, I just want to ask if it's really necessary for me to be present when the rogues arrived?". The committee members had required all of the leaders on the team to be present in the meeting when the rogues arrive in the compound, which is expected to be completed a few weeks before they arrive.

"Unfortunately, yes. You have to. I have to be there too, you know"

"I know, but I really don't want to be in the same room as the person who almost killed my cousin"

"I know. I really don't want to be the same room as him either, but we're required. And it's not like us to go against the committee"

"True, but I don't think I handle so much entitlement and hypocrisy in the same room for so long"

"Yeah, I don't think I can either, but we both have to deal with it, unfortunately", I said with snickering a little bit.

"Yeah, but at least you don't have to be there to welcome into the compound"

"I'm so sorry about that, by the way"

"It's fine, it's not your doing. Anyways, I'll just leave you alone with Goose. I think she wants some alone time with you, and I know better than you mess with her. See you later, Tony"

"See you, Jessica". She left my office, leaving me alone with Goose the cat or flerken, apparently. "Well, Goose. It's just you and me now, I guess". She was just purring as I was petting her head.

Suddenly, Pepper came into the office with a couple of letters in her hands. "Hey, Tony. These letters were meant for you, but were mixed up in my pile. So, I decided to bring them to you"

"Thanks, Pepper", I said as I grabbed the letters.

"I see that Carol's flerken likes you"

"Ok, does everyone know what a flerken is, but me? What's a flerken?"

"I don't know exactly. Ethan and Carol refuse to tell me, they just keep saying that I don't want to know"

"Oh well, thanks for the letters, though"

"Will that be all, Mr. Stark?"

"That will be all, Ms. Potts". When she left the room, I decided to start opening the first letter. Then, I started to think that this could be another poorly written apology letter from Rogers, but Pepper wouldn't give me these letters if that was the case. I decided to take the risk and open it. Fortunately, it wasn't another letter from Rogers, instead it was a letter from some school, apparently for mutants.

Greetings, Mr. Stark,

My students, faculty members and I watched your press conference, and I have to say that we were quite interested about the New Avengers and The Registration Acts approved by the committee.

The reason that I decided to write this letter to you is a former student of mine, Joshua Cooper, contacted me to say that he joined one of the teams and that you also made a team specialized for minors. When I told my students about this, most of them wanted to sign the Acts and join this team.

I hope you would consider having some of my students join your team. Ever since we heard about the incident called the 'Civil War', they wanted nothing more than to work alongside you to defend and protect Earth. If you want to meet in person to talk about this offer, you can meet up with me in my school. You can ask Joshua Cooper to help you to find it.

I hope that your teams are growing stronger and they'll do their best to protect Earth while following the rules of the New Avengers Registration Acts.


Professor Charles Xavier, Principal of the Xavier Institute.

I reread the letter twice, making sure I was reading it correctly. This principal has students who wants to join the team? The Young Avengers? Mutant students to be exact? Maybe it is possible to create a new Young Avengers team that I could put that witch on. I'm definitely going to that school tomorrow to check it out myself. The letter did say that Josh was a former student there, so I hope he's available tomorrow to take me there.

After reading the first letter, I've moved onto the second letter I got, which was unfamiliar, but sort-of familiar at the same time.

Hello, Mr. Stark,

You may not remember me or maybe you do, but that's not important right now.

My team and I saw your press conference and I have to say that we were quite impressed about the idea of new Avengers teams, especially the idea of forming the SWORD organization.

I'm currently the new director of SHIELD, a SHIELD that's actually dedicated to protecting regular citizens instead of using that advantage for fame and attention. I was hoping if my team and I could work with you and the New Avengers.

Ever since your press conference and even before that, I've stopped blindly following the so-called heroic actions of Captain America, even my agents, with the exception of one whose always been a fan of you, have done the same.

I hope that you would give the new SHIELD a chance to prove that we're not like the old SHIELD, since that they only used you for your money and materials. Anyways, I hope that you consider working with us, my team and I has been very interested in signing the Registration Acts and to work with the committee in protecting Earth.


Phil Coulson, Director of SHIELD.

Coulson. I knew that bastard was still alive, but I didn't know that he started his own SHIELD. He put his phone number at the bottom of the letter in case I was interested in his offer. I guess it would be nice to have another organization working alongside the New Avengers, but due to past experiences, I'm not sure if I'm ready to work with another SHIELD. But despite of how I feel about SHIELD, he is offering to work with the rest of the team and it would be nice to have some back-up when that intergalactic threat comes to Earth.

I don't know, maybe my team members might have some ideas about what I should do. Of course, I don't know how Clint's going to react when I show him this letter which proves that Coulson's alive.

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