Chapter 62

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Tony Stark's POV

Once we all have returned to the compound from our vacation, everyone immediately went back to training. For some reason, I decided that I should check my emails before I joined my team on their team exercises. At most, I just missed important meetings or calls that Pepper mostly took care of.

Just like I assumed, it was mostly important meetings and calls, but there was one email that caught my attention. It was from someone who I didn't recognize. Normally, I would have ignored it, but it seemed like it was too important to ignore, so I clicked on it and read it.

Greetings, Tony Stark,

You may have heard of me or maybe you haven't, but that's not important right now.

I reached out to you because I need your help. I would have reached out to Natasha to ask you for help or maybe would asked her instead of you, but seeing what kind of destruction she caused from the news, I decided that it would be better if I reached out to you myself.

I would like to meet you in person to explain the entire situation if you are comfortable with that. Whenever you want and wherever you want to meet up, I will be available and more than willing to meet with you. Just let me know.


A new acquaintance.

That's weird. Am I supposed to know about this person? They apparently know me, but then again, everyone knows about me, so it's not that surprising.

Should I meet up with this person? I never met them before and I don't even know what their intentions are, but this email seems genuine and trustworthy, so maybe I should give this person a chance.

I sent the person a quick confirmation email, stating that I will be more than happy to meet up with them on Saturday at my favorite shawarma restaurant.

Once Saturday came around, I went down to the shawarma restaurant and waited for the person in question.

"Hi, Tony Stark. It is an honor to meet you. I was kind of surprised that you responded to my email, but it is nice that you agreed to meet with me", a woman greeted as she sat down in the seat across the table from me.

"Hi, it is nice to meet you, Ms- -"

"Yelena Belova, but shouldn't you already know me? I thought that Natasha would have mentioned me to you and the other Avengers?"

"I'm sorry, but she never mentioned you before"

"I guess that I shouldn't be surprised. Anyways, allow me to properly introduce myself, I'm Yelena Belova and I'm Natasha Romanov's sister"

"Oh, I didn't know that she had a sister"

"Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about her, but I'm not here to talk about my sister. I'm here to ask for your help"

"Ok, I'm listening"

"So, just like Natasha, I was captured by the Red Room and forced to become a Black Widow. When Natasha escaped and went rogue, she left me to take the punishment. Anyways, I recently came across an antidote that could free other Black Widows from the mind control agents, but unfortunately, I killed a rouge former Black Widow in the process, which I still regret to this day"

"It's not like you had any control of your actions"

"That doesn't make me feel any less guilty or ashamed of what I had done. Anyways, I heard about your BARF technology and how it is helping to remove the triggers from the mind of James Barnes"

"Yeah, he made a lot of progress. In fact, Barnes and the Winter Soldier are now separate entities. It is kind of incredible as I didn't know the technology could do that"

"That's the point, Tony Stark. With the chemical and the BARF technology, we could replicate it, so we could defeat Dreykov and the Taskmaster once and for all and free the other Black Widows"

"I thought that Clint and Romanov defeated Dreykov and the Taskmaster in Budapest? I saw the mission in their files and both of them have never stopped talking about it"

"Well, they didn't do a very good job of doing their mission. I don't even think that they even bothered to check for a body to confirm"

"Apparently. So, if you would give me the chemical, I could duplicate it and combine with the BARF technology, then we can travel to Russia, defeat Dreykov and the Taskmaster, and free the other Black Widows"

"Thank you". She pulled out the chemical vial from her pocket and placed it on the table. "I am aware that you don't like to be handed things, and I don't want to push any boundaries with the one person who can help me defeat the Red Room once and for all"

"Thank you, I appreciate that. Come on, let's go back to the compound and figure out a plan on how to stop the Red Room"

"I can't wait. I have been waiting for this moment since I escaped from the Red Room"

Yelena Belova's POV

I knew that I made the right choice of seeing Tony Stark myself rather than depending on Natasha to do it for me. I don't know why I even considered seeing her again after she left me behind and betrayed me.

And apparently, her old habits didn't stop with me since she did the same thing to Tony Stark at the airport. I guess she just proved to me that she doesn't have any loyalty to anyone and never will, especially to the people she claimed to care about.

I swear I hate posers like that. They never understand the true consequences of their actions and think they are above everyone else. The main reason that I don't regret anonymously sending those Red Room videos of Natasha to the FBI.

But at the same time, I kind of regret it since she is still my sister no matter what, but she went too far and she needed to be stopped. Maybe some time in prison would finally teach her that consequences are for everyone, especially "heroes" like her.

Anyways, that is one problem taken care of. Now is time to deal with the other problem that should have been taken cared of a long time ago, and with the help of Tony Stark and the New Avengers, I'm more than confident that the Red Room will finally be destroyed.

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