Chapter 15

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Tony's POV

The compound. The one place I avoided since the Ultron incident. But with the rogues gone, the compound seemed empty and relieving.

I walked through the empty compound, remembering the memories that happened in these place. I hate it; I hate being reminded of the events in this compound. This place really needs to be renovated. Not just because of the memories, but because it's starting to get old. If the New Avengers are going to be using this compound, it needs to be functional and up to date.

But that's another problem for another day. Right now, I need to make sure Rhodey gets his legs back.

"Tony, what's this about? Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Come on, Honey-bear. We can't just walk through the compound, remembering good times?"

"Tony, you hate being nostalgic. What's the real reason?"

"Ok, the reason I've asked you here was because I built prosthetic legs"

"Tony, if this is about the airport incident, I said I don't blame you for what happened"


"Tony, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew what the risks were, but I was still willing to fight"

"Look, Platypus. I know you don't blame me for the incident, but I still felt bad. You deserve to have your legs back, Rhodey. You shouldn't have lose them in the first place"

"Look, Tones. I appreciate your efforts to help me walk again, but I didn't want you to do this out of guilt"

"I did this as a friend, not out of guilt"

"Ok, Tony. I'm trusting you on this. Let's go try out these new legs"

I bought Rhodey to the room where I was keeping the prosthetic legs and helped him to fit into them. He started to walk for a couple feet's until he lost balance and fell, but he got up and started walking again. Soon, we started walking just like he used to before the accident.

"Wow, Honey-bear. I'm impressed that you managed to learn how to walk so quickly"

"Tones, it's not my first time walking. Of course, I've learned quickly"

"True. Well, at least you can fly your war machine suit again"

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been in that suit. Speaking of War Machine, how's the team going?"

"Well, it's going well. We added a new member to the Young Avengers"

"Harley and Peter?"

"Well, yeah, but also someone else"

"Well, who is it?"

"Well, it might be a certain someone named Loki?"


"Yes, but it wasn't my fault. Ask Jessica and her team. They were the ones who wanted him on their team"

"But why? After the Battle of New York? Why would they add him?"

"Well, I hate to admit this, but Loki's a powerful candidate for the New Avengers Initiative. We really need all the help we can get and if it's means that we have to include Loki, then I'm willing to add him"

"But why the Young Avengers? Isn't that the team exclusively for minors?"

"Well, apparently in human years, Loki's 17-18 years old"

"Really? So, he was a minor when he attacked New York?"

"Yeah, so he's qualified to join the Young Avengers"

"Well, if the kids want to work with him, especially Jessica, then I guess I can trust him, for now"


"Wait, how is Loki here? I thought Thor said he was dead?"

"Oh, speaking of that. First, no, he faked his death. Second, Asgard got destroyed by a giant fire monster thing. Third, Thor and Bruce are back. And fourth, they're going to build New Asgard in Norway"

"Wait, Bruce's back?"

"Yeah. He hasn't stopped apologizing for leaving him to take the blame for Ultron. Also, Thor hasn't stopped apologizing for holding me by the neck and blaming me for Ultron. I already told them that I forgive them, but they're still trying to make it up to me"

"At least, they're apologizing and trying to make an effort to reconcile with you. Unlike certain people"

"Platypus, come on. We don't have to worry about them. They're fugitives. I'm sure they won't bother me for a while"

Suddenly, there was knocking at the door in the room we're in. We turned around to see a FedEx delivery man standing there. He looked familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Excuse me? Are you Tony Stank?"

"Yes, this is Tony Stank. You're in the right place. Thanks for that! Never dropping that, by the way. Table for one, Mr. Stank?
Please by the bathroom", Rhodey said jokingly as he was leaving the room. I started laughing before I went to get this package. Weird, I don't remember ordering any packages, but I'm sure it's fine.

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