Chapter 50

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Ethan Cooper's POV

It's time to show the rest of those Rogues that their entitlement and delusional actions will get them nowhere in life. To be honest, I'm not surprised that some of the Rogues are still delusional to this extent, but I'm surprised that they're willing to go as far as to let someone who has a personal grudge against another person, for something that wasn't even his fault, use their powers on him and manipulate him into being the Rogues' personal financial provider and gear manufacturer.

Yeah, that won't end badly. If she has her way, she'll kill him in the most painful way possible since she blames him for everything that went wrong in her life.

But then again, it's not that surprising. They refuse to admit that they're wrong and they're willing to do anything just to have someone tell them that they're right. Unfortunately, that person had to be Tony since, according to them, he's the reason that the civil war happened in the first place and for all of the things that are wrong in the world, just because he listened and respected the people's wishes.

Well, the sooner we move along into the next phase of this plan, then the quicker we can get rid of the Rogues and don't have to deal with them anymore.

"Ethan, are you calm enough to go along with this plan? I don't want to explode on the Rogues when they come near the training rooms"

"Come on, Josh. You know that I'll never attack people unless it's in self-defense. I may not like the Rogues, but that doesn't mean that I'll just attack them for no apparent reason"

"Alright, Ethan. Just follow my lead and act like you don't notice them"

"Like I don't do that on a daily basis?", I asked jokily. We walked into one of the training rooms and waited for the Rogues to come nearby. Once Josh noticed them coming, we started to put the plan into action. Time to put the Rogues in their places.

Steve Rogers' POV

Natasha and I were walking by the training rooms and we noticed Ethan and another person in one of the training rooms and they seemed to be having a conversation. Natasha and I decided to stick around and listen to what they were saying. Maybe one of them can help us find the prison that Wanda is being held at. Well, that other person might be able to help us, but not that "Ethan" kid. Just like Jessica, he's has been too disrespectful to me and the rest of the team and I know that he won't help us, but I don't know about that other person.

"Josh, are you sure that you want to visit that prison right now? I mean, they have the most dangerous criminal in there right now, I don't feel safe with you being there right now", Ethan asked, sounding concerned. Prison? Dangerous criminal? They must be talking about Wanda. She's not a dangerous criminal, she's just an innocent kid. Why can't people understand that?

"Ethan, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. Besides Professor X can handle criminals like her and he said that it's safe for me to visit anyways, and I trust him, so I'm going"

"Well, if you're going, then I want to come"

"No, Ethan. I'm going by myself"

"Come on, Josh. Let me come with you. I want to make sure that she doesn't try to mess with your mind". She's just a kid. She's still learning how to use her powers and she doesn't understand the full extent of her powers. I don't like this "Ethan" kid.

"Ethan, last time I checked, I'm older brother and you're the younger brother, so you don't tell me what to do. I'm going to the prison and you can't come with me and you can't tell me not to go"

"Alright, then. But don't say that I didn't warn you about her"

"Ok, I'll see you later". The other person, Josh, left the training room, without noticing us, and walked towards the other direction. Natasha and I quietly and quickly followed this "Josh" person into the parking lot. He got into his car and started to drive off, but fortunately, Natasha had a car and we followed him.

Joshua Cooper's POV

As soon as I walked out of the training room, I noticed Rogers and Romanov were listening into our planned conversation. Even though the conversation was planned, it's funny to see how badly they failed at hiding. I mean, even Peter and Ethan can better spies than Romanov. Even though, in certain situations, Peter and Ethan can't be quiet for the life of them.

I walked into the parking lot and got into my car and noticed that Rogers and Romanov jumped into a car and followed me. I don't remember Romanov or Rogers having a car before. I wonder where that car came from. Well, if it is stolen, then that'll be another charge on their already long list of charges.

Anyways, after a long drive later, I arrived at the school, but I stayed in my car. I pulled out my phone and texted Ethan.

"They fell for it. Followed me all the way here"

"Not surprised. What's next?"

"Text Professor X and go inside, then observe what the Rogues do "

"If you can, could you record everything? I'd love to see the look of Rogers and Romanov's faces when they realized that they have been caught"

"Even I doubt that they're that stupid to come inside the school right now, but based on certain situations, I could be wrong, but if anything happens, I'll record as much as I can"

"Thanks, big brother"

"Not a problem, little brother". After I finished texting Ethan, I started to text Professor X.

"The self-entitled idiots are here"

"Great, come inside"

"Coming in now". I walked into the school, but I noticed that Rogers and Romanov were still in the car. Well, I guess that even they're not that stupid enough to come in, prepared for a fight. Pity, Ethan and I were more than ready to get rid of these two once and for all, but I guess that we'll all have to wait a little longer.

Good thing that Tony expected this. Honestly, Tony gives these people too much credit, but that doesn't matter. Good thing that he did prepare for this because there are more than three phases to the grand plan of the genius, billionaire, ex-playboy and philanthropist.

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