Chapter 41

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Ethan's POV

I still can't believe that Tony provided me with my own A.I, and the fact that he actually listened to my suggestions. I mean I knew that he would've appreciated some suggestions in order to make the suit that I wanted, but I didn't think that he'll take all of my suggestions. Even though he reassured me that he didn't mind all of the suggestions and that he didn't think that I was being excessive with them, I still felt bad for putting that much work on him, but he really delivered on this suit. And I couldn't be anymore happier with it.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. Jessica insisted on dedicating today's training session on testing out the team's new suits. Pietro and Loki were allowed to be excused from the training session since they didn't want to receive new suits from Tony, but they stayed to watch the rest of us test out the new suits.

"Alright, team! As you may know, I'm dedicating this training session to test out the new suits. So, spend this session to interact and cooperate with your A.Is, practice using your powers, if you have any, with the new suits, and be careful with using the repulsors installed in the suits, while the repulsors may be low-powered, they can still be dangerous if we're not careful. So please, for the sake of the health and sanity of Tony Stark, be careful"

"We got the message, Captain". Yeah, I call her 'Captain', not because of that so-called Captain America, but because she's always been the leader type when we first met and I kind of call her 'Captain' due to her strong leadership skills, and the name stuck to her. Of course, she knows that I would never compare her to that 'Captain America', so she's fine with the nickname.

"We understand, Jessica", Peter said.

"We got it, Chief", Harley said. I don't know why he calls her 'Chief', so don't ask me.

The training room included a series of different rooms that included simulations that were designed to help us prepare for certain situations. Jessica thought that these rooms would be beneficial for us to interact and work with the A.Is and learn how to fight in our new suits.

The simulation assigned for me included a situation where I had to rescue civilians from a burning and collapsing building.

"Hey, Helen, are you ready for some action?"

"Always ready, Mr. Ethan Cooper", she responded.

Turns out Helen and I makes a great team. She kept suggesting ideas for me to keep myself safe and save as many people as I can. I tested my Infinity stone-powered repulsors to clear fallen debris, the repulsors worked effectively with my powers and helped me shoot accurately at my targets. At the end of the simulation, I managed to save mostly all of the people, but twelve people were injured and five other people 'died' in the process. Even though I knew that it was a simulation, I still felt bad that I couldn't save everyone and people were injured.

"It's alright, young sir, it's just a simulation, you know", Helen reassured me through my comm. In order for me to actually communicate with Helen since Tony couldn't provide communications in the glasses, he connected her into my comm.

"I know, Helen, but it still hurts that I couldn't save everyone and people were injured"

"I understand, young sir, but that's the point of proper training, you can learn how to be better and save more people"

"True, anyways, not bad for a test run. I wonder how the others did with their new suits"

Peter's POV

This suit is awesome! Well, it might be the same new design that Mr. Stark already provided me when Mr. Thor and the rest of the Asgardians came to the compound, but it still even cooler than before!

For the simulation that I was assigned to, I had to save hostages from an armed robbery in a bank. Karen helped me a lot with the situation, but, in the end, I saved fifteen people, but three people were shot and injured, and four other people were shot and died from their injuries.

"It's alright, Mr. Parker, it's just a simulation. You'll just have to train harder, then when you go out on actual missions, you can save as many people as you can", Karen reassured me. I guess she must've noticed that I felt bad about the results of the simulation.

"Thanks, Karen. At least this would be help me become a better hero, but that doesn't mean I won't stop feeling bad about it. But I guess that's the point of training. Anyways, I hope the others had a more successful outcome than me"

Harley's POV

Man, Mechanic and Jessica weren't kidding when they warned me that controlling and flying an iron-suit was a lot harder than it appeared to be.

Fortunately, unlike my other teammates, Jessica didn't want me doing a simulation that required me saving people. At least until I get a grasp on how to fly my suit, so she assigned with a private room that had a lot of space for me to fly my suit.

I would say that I was successful on flying for the most part. I may or may not have crashed into the walls a couple of times. But that's beyond the point, I managed to successfully control the suit without anymore issues. With the help of Homer, of course. Not bad. Not bad at all.  

Jessica's POV

Tony, you never cease to impress me. These suits are better than the original designs.

Since Tony made upgraded versions for my iron-suit and spider-suit, I wanted to test out both of the suits in the simulation. The simulation required me to save hostages who were held captive in a federal building. I don't know why I would get a simulation like that, wouldn't that be a mission for one of the adult New Avengers teams? Never-mind, at least it's an opportunity to test out the full power of both of my suits.

I used the 'Blue Streak' iron-suit in my first round through the simulation. Plato guided me through the best use of the suit for the situation and how I should make the best approach. In the end, three hostages died and six were injured during the fight.

"Next time, I will make sure to alert you that an innocent hostage happens to be behind you, Ms. Drew", Plato said.

"Don't beat yourself over it so much, Plato, you have training for a reason. Remember that we still have the spider-suit to test out for this simulation"

"Of course, Ms. Drew". Plato did a much better job directing me in the fight with the 'Spider-Woman' suit. This time, he alerted me when a civilian happened to be behind me. In the end, three hostages still died, but only two people were injured.

"Nice job, Plato, look like we both improved from last time"

"Well, I am Artificial Intelligence. I can learn new information every second without much thought. Not to brag, by the way". I see that Tony couldn't help but add a little bit of sass in Plato's programming.

"I wonder how you learned how to be sassy, Plato?", I asked in a joking matter.

"I guess that the world may never know the answer, Ms. Drew". I rolled my eyes when he said that response.

"Whatever, let's just see if the team had finished their simulation, shall we?"

"Whatever you insist, Ms. Drew"

"And Plato, call me Jessica"

"Alright, Jessica". I left the simulation room and went to go join the rest of my team in the main training room.

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