Chapter 54

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Tony Stark's POV

There's nothing that I like to do to spend my mornings, then have a nice cup of coffee, work on training my team, check on the other teams' progresses, and watch Rogers and Romanov further embarrass themselves with Friday and Jarvis.

I told everyone that I brought Jarvis back to life and everyone seemed to be fine with it, especially Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and Clint. I shouldn't be surprised by their reactions since they missed Jarvis the most.

Anyways, since it's my time off right now, I thought that I should spend it by making sure that Pietro and Harley didn't end up killing Rogers and Romanov. Actually, I doubt that Pietro and Harley would do that. Well, Harley might, but I doubt that Pietro would.

But, that's beyond the point, the point is that Rogers and Romanov have no idea what they are up against, especially Romanov since she claims to be an expert on identifying people, but that's a rant for another time.

For now, I'm just going to sit back, drink coffee and watch how Rogers and Romanov fall deeper into the delusional hole that they created.

Steve Rogers' POV

For the last few days, Natasha and I have been trying to figure out ways to sneak into the prison without anyone detecting us. So far, no-one has seen us. Well, that "Josh" person almost saw us, but fortunately, we avoided him.

Surprisingly, Harley and Pietro have really helped a lot. They told us how much they know about the prison and helped us sneak around the place. While they may have been helpful, they still need to do a lot more to fully earn back our trust. They still can't be Avengers since the Avengers never allow kids on the team, and after how they treated us since we arrived back from our exile, they definitely didn't earn the right to be Avengers. Especially Pietro since he had no right to treat his own sister like that and say such unnecessary and cruel words to her.

I'll have to make sure that he gives her a proper and genuine apology; she really deserves to hear one from him.

Anyways, everything will be solved once we release Wanda from that prison; Pietro will own the apology that she deserves, she'll help Tony realize that we were right all along and help us defeat the accords and the tyranny of the government, then the world will realize who the real heroes are; the real Avengers who won't let anyone tell them how to do their jobs.

Pietro Maximoff's POV

I don't even know why I even willingly agreed to do this in the first place, but I guess that it's not that bad since Harley's here with me. But, not really since he's so close to going off on the Rogues and ruining everything, but I'm not that far away from where he's at.

It's bad enough that Rogers and Romanov are crazy and stupid enough to break into a private school and try to help Wanda escape from there, but they want to use Wanda to mess with Tony's mind, so they can get him to do whatever they want? That's just messed up on so many levels. And knowing Wanda, she's going to agree to this because she still hates Tony with a burning passion and she'll be more than happy to mess with his mind again.

Unfortunately for her, she won't be able to do that since he won't be able to be mind-manipulated by her again since he has the powers of all of the Infinity Stones, which, according to what the Infinity Stones told Tony, can repeal other influences of the other Infinity Stones, which is pretty cool if I have to be honest.

But I know that Wanda's going to have a fit when she finds out that she can't manipulate Tony anymore. That is, if we even go as far as to help her escape from the school in the first place, which I sort of doubt that Tony will let them go that far as to do it.

But then again, Harley and I don't even know what Tony could be planning since we're both here most of the time, trying to keep ourselves calm because the Rogues' delusions are driving us insane. But, eventually, it'll all be over before Harley and I know it, and then Jessica and Tony owe the both of us that long and well-deserved vacation.

Jessica Drew's POV

I feel so bad for Harley and Pietro right now, especially since they had to suffer through all of the Rogues' delusions during phase two of Tony Stark's elaborate plan. I know very well that once this is over, Harley and Pietro will be asking Tony and I when they can get their vacation time.

They really do deserve a long vacation after all of the crap that the Rogues put them through, but Tony and I will work that all out when the Rogues are behind bars in the RAFT where they belong. I'm sure that Ross has been a little bit lonely and will love to have some roommates, especially these three since they have a little bit of a history with each other.

But, that'll be solved, apparently, before we even know it. Because Tony told me that everything is prepared and we're ready to move onto the final phase, so looks like it's time to get rid of the Rogues once and for all.

Well, actually, it depends. Depends on if the Rogues are actually stupid enough to try to attempt to help Maximoff escape tomorrow. Which, knowing them, might actually be the case.

A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this new chapter of I am Iron-Man! Sorry for not being to update as often as I want to. School has been hectic and keeping me busy, but I'm back now. I'll try to update something during next week, but I can't guarantee it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll probably see everyone next week. Goodbye for now!

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