Chapter 60

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Tony Stark's POV

The plan worked out much better than I expected; everyone played their part perfectly, the rogues were detained into the RAFT, and everyone can finally have a break from them.

Everyone was kind of disappointed that we weren't be able to watch the interrogations of the rogues. I'm kind of disappointed as well, but I have to respect the privacy laws between the interrogators and the detainees.

But, anyways, now that the rogues were detained, I think it's time that everyone has a well-deserved break.

I have been planning to take everyone on vacation after Thanos has been defeated, but since that is not going to happen for another year or two, it would be better if everyone had some time to themselves. Of course, question is whether or not they will want to take a vacation? I know for a fact some of the more serious team members wouldn't be interested in taking any type of vacation, at least until the threat has been neutralized, but even they can agree that we need a break every once in a while.

Well, it doesn't hurt to ask them.

I called everyone into the main living area of the compound to talk to them.

"So, Tony. You want to explain why you called us here? My team and I were kind of in the middle of training", Jessica asked.

"Well... I decided that since the issue with the rogues has been dealt and done with, I should arrange a vacation for all of us"

"Really?!", Peter said excitedly.

"Yeah, all of you guys have earned, especially since all of you have helped me get rid of the remaining rogues. Also, I think we could all agree that maybe we should take a small break before Thanos comes to take the infinity stones"

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Tony? Shouldn't we wait until Thanos have been taken care of before we can even think about taking a vacation?"

"Come on, Jessica. Lighten up. Even I have to admit that we have been training too hard. Besides, I wouldn't mind taking a break", Ethan argued. Most of the team members voiced their agreement with Ethan while others like Strange, Josh, Pepper, Rhodey, most of the X-team members agreed with Jessica.

"Look, I understand that some of you don't think that right now would be the best time to take a vacation, but even avengers have to take a break every once in a while. Besides SWORD constantly checks the progress of Thanos and stated that there hasn't been any changes in his venture toward Earth, and they keep me updated every couple of hours, so it should be fine if all of us take a vacation. Of course, if some of you still don't feel comfortable with leaving the compound, then you're more than welcome to stay behind"

Some of those who opposed the idea of taking a vacation started to think about a little bit, but after a while, Jessica was the first one who spoken up.

"Well... If the rest of my team members are up for it, then who am I to argue against it? So, I guess that I am in"

Besides Jessica, some of the other X-men members who opposed the idea eventually came around to the idea, but the rest decided to stay behind in the compound. Pepper and Rhodey came around to the idea of the vacation as well and Josh, with some convincing from Ethan, came around to the idea as well. Strange decided to stay behind with the other X-men members to watch over the compound.

"So where is this vacation going to take place anyways?"

"Well, where is the fun of springing a surprise vacation on all of you if I just tell you where it is? Trust me, all of you guys will love it"

"That doesn't make me any less suspicious than I already am, Tony"

"Come on, Jess. Lightened up besides, this is something you always wanted to do, but we never had the chance to do it". She just looked at me with a suspicious glare, but an amused smile came across her face. Wait until everyone gets their plane tickets. I know that Jess will be especially ecstatic when she see the name of the place on the ticket.

A/N: Hi, Everyone! Sorry for not updating in a while. Once again school has been hectic, and last month has been especially crazy for me, but I'm back now and ready to update more. Also, I'm hitting a little bit of writer's block so sorry if this chapter is a little bit shorter than usual.

Hopefully you all enjoyed this new chapter and I'll try to update sometime this week or next week.

Goodbye for now!

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