Chapter 2

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Tony's POV

I woke up in a dark room. Great, I passed out for who knows how long, then I get kidnapped.

"Actually, Mr. Stark. We didn't kidnap you", said the familiar female voice. We? What did she mean by we?

"What? Who are you? Where am I?"

"Relax, Tony Stark. We're not going to hurt you, we're here to help you", another voice said. A male voice this time.

"Help me? Help me with what?"

"Mr. Stark, the world's in danger, and we need heroes to stand tall, and fight. You were never supposed to die this soon, though", another female voice said.

"Wait, I'm dead?!"

"No, your body's in the tower's hospital. Although, you died on the med bay three times already".

"Four times", one voice spoke.

"Four times"

"Wait, first of all, who are you? And what you mean the world's in danger?"

"I'm the Space stone"

"I'm the Power stone"

"I'm the Soul stone"

"I'm the Time stone"

"I'm the Reality stone"

"And I'm the Mind stone"

"And as for the world being in danger, a new threat is coming and he's coming after us. If he manages to collect of us together, he'll destroy half of the universe"

"Wait, so what does this have to do with me?"

"Mr. Stark, whether or not you believe it, you're the greatest hero this universe has ever had. Even if people keep betraying you over and over, you still risk your life everyday to protect Earth. For that, we are grateful"

"Trust us, we have seen it all, especially Mind and I"

"Well, I'm honored, really, but why me? There are other more worthy heroes than me, so why pick me?"

"Mr. Stark, we picked you because we trust you. We know you'll do anything for Earth, even if it kills you in the process. We been watching you since Space has first met you. You're more selfless than any hero we came in contact with, including your so-called friends"

"Oh, don't get me started with them, especially that so-called witch. She's very unworthy of possessing my powers"

"Oh, those self-righteous jerks? I swear, when they entered my aspect of the universe, I'll make it their worst nightmares"

"Soul, relax. There's a time and a place for that, but right now, we need to protect Earth's greatest avenger"

"Woah, wait. Look, I'm flattered you believe that I'm the greatest hero in the universe, but I'm definitely not Earth's greatest avenger"

"Yes, you are"

"Sure, then tell me one time I was ever Earth's greatest avenger?"

"How about when you built your first Iron-Man suit? You risked your life to make sure your weapons that were sold illegally were destroyed and gone"

"Yeah, but—"

"How about when you were dying? You saved all those people at expo when the robots started attacking"

"Well, I wasn't the only one—"

"The Battle Of New York? When you directed that nuke into the portal while it was being closed. Almost killed you in the process?"

"Well, that was more of a group—"

"Don't forget the Extremis and Killian incident"

"Pepper and Harley helped with that"

"Don't forget about Ultron, either"

"But, that was my—"

"The point is, Mr. Stark, we need you to keep protecting Earth. To keep being the hero Earth needs, so it would be an honor, if you accept our powers as a gift"

"Wait, really? Me?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark. We trust you. Listen, we know that you don't like having powers, but this is our way for thanking you for protecting Earth. Especially me, since I know you had some bad experiences with me"

"Well, I hope you know that I don't blame you for anything. None of it was your own fault. Well, seeing that I'm here, why not? But what do I do afterwards?"

"Well, afterwards. You'll wake up in the hospital, then you'll start over. Create a new team who follow the Accords, and continue protecting the Earth, no matter what"

"Well, I'll try. Earth needs all the help it can get. Anyways, let's get this over with. I have a new team to make and a major threat to prevent"

"One more thing before you go, Mr. Stark. You may not like this, but I'm bringing Pietro Maximoff back to life. He's ashamed of how his sister has became. He wants a second chance, so I offered him one. But the choice is yours, will you accept him as a new avenger?"

To be honest, I'm not too thrilled about working with a Maximoff, but compared to his sister, he didn't cause much trouble to the Avengers. Maybe with the right training and guidance, he could an excellent asset to the team. "Ok, fine. I can't guarantee he'll be on the team, but I'll give him a chance"

"I'll accept that"

"Anyways, Tony Stark has to go back to Earth, so we'll be as quick as possible"

"Sounds good to me". Suddenly, the stones sent lights of their respective colors towards my body, then I blacked out again.

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