Chapter 55

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Steve Rogers' POV

Today was finally the day that Natasha and I rescue Wanda from that prison. We would've left sooner, but Natasha argued that we should wait until we're better prepared, but I trusted her judgement so I had to listen to her.

The plan included Pietro and Harley to come with us, but both of them insisted on staying behind and keep watch to avoid suspicion.

I tried to order them to come with us since Pietro needed to apologize to Wanda as soon as we helped her escape and I still didn't trust Harley since, besides Jessica, had the most influence from Tony, and I wanted him to prove that he actually joined forces with the real heroes, but Natasha stated that it would be a good idea to let them stay behind in case anyone who's still in the compound wouldn't be suspicious of them being gone, so I let them stay at the compound, despite the fact I wasn't happy about it.

Once we managed to sneak out of the east wing, we noticed that there was no-one in the compound. That's weird. From what I have heard, there's usually people here, even when the majority of the so-called "New Avengers" are on missions, but there was not a single person here.

But at least none of them would try to stop us from rescuing Wanda. Once we successfully snuck out of the compound, we climbed into our car and drove all the way to the prison.

Ethan Cooper's POV

Perfect, I knew that those two idiots would fall for it. Well, time to check up on Pietro and Harley and make sure that their brains are still functional.

"I swear for as long as I live, Ethan. I will never subject myself to that kind of torture ever again", Harley stated dramatically. "Jessica and Tony better give us that long vacation that they promised"

"Whatever you say, Harley. Anyways, I think you two have suffered enough"

"We didn't make that obvious enough for you?"

"You guys can relax, and leave the rogues to the rest of us"


"You don't have to tell us twice", Pietro retorted. Both of them left the east wing in a hurry. Well, at least the rogues didn't mentally damage them. I wonder how the others are handling their phases of the plan.

I noticed a small bird circling around the window; a sparrow to be exact. That must be Josh, I guess he was supposed to check if we finished our phase of the plan. At least that saves me time from calling everyone and telling them myself.

Joshua Cooper's POV

Ok, Pietro, Harley and Ethan completed their parts. Now, it's time to move on and arrest the remaining Rogues once and for all.

Honestly, they all should've been in jail a long time ago, but now's not the time to talk about. At least we might be able to arrest them now.

Although, I'll never understand why Tony's still trying to get all of them a chance to lighten their sentences. All of them had all the chances in the world and refused and ignored them all, they don't deserve anymore chances.

Before we enacted this plan, Tony informed all of us that after the Rogues were detained, he was going to hire representatives to list out their charges and try to convince them to take plea bargains. He also asked Dr. Strange to do a magic evaluation on Steve and Natasha, with their permission, to see if Maximoff influenced them.

Granted, the same thing happened with Scott, Barnes, and Sam after they all signed the acts. Even though they were already put into teams, they still had to be charged at court, but most of the charges that were addressed towards Scott and Sam were reduced when Dr. Strange found strands of magical influence in their heads. The worst punishment they had gotten was house arrest for three to six months in the compound, but that wouldn't be enacted until Thanos arrived so all available Avengers were present.

Barnes, on the other hand, had an easier sentence since Tony presented all of the evidence that confirmed that HYDRA destroyed his mind and unwillingly made him into a weapon, so all he was sentenced to was full treatment with the BARF technology and court-ordered visits to a psychiatrist, which he stayed on top of.

But those Rogues have changed and earned their places on their respective teams. These ones will never change, but I have to agree that everyone, even the rest of the Rogues despite the destruction and damage they've caused over the years as "Avengers", deserve a chance to redeem themselves.

Of course, I doubt they'll even take that chance since all of them refused or ignored anything Tony has done to fix the destruction they have caused.

Anyways, enough of that rant. I need to hurry back to Professor Xavier's school in case they might need me to step it if the Rogues try to resist arrest.

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm finally back! Sorry it took so long to update, things have been very busy for me, but everything has calmed down a little bit, so I decided to post a new chapter.

Hope you enjoy this new chapter and I'll try to update as soon as possible. Goodbye for now!

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