Chapter 69

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Laura Blake's POV

Clint Barton. I swear that I will never understand that man, but I love him for it. I wonder what surprise he managed to spring up for me.

Of course, I am not going to figure that out until we actually got there because Clint still insisted that I should still keep my eyes until we have arrived there.

"Ok, we are here now. Just one more second, then you can open your eyes". He opened the car door for me, then led me out of the car. He helped me walk toward the area that he wanted me to go to. Where could he possibly be leading me to? "Ok, you can open your eyes now". I opened my eyes and I was shocked at what the surprise was.

"A farmhouse? For us?"

"For us and for the baby. I saved up all of the money that I earned for all of the New Avengers business and bought it. I remembered while we were in SHIELD that you told me that you always wanted a farmhouse, so I found a suitable one on the outskirts of New York and I thought that we could raise our kid, or any other future kids, here"

"Clint... this is really beautiful. I love it!". I immediately grabbed him and kissed him. "I love you so much"

"I love you too. Anyways, do you want to check it out? To see if you really like it?"

"I already love it, Clint, but I would love to see the inside of it". We walked around the farmhouse and saw the inside and outside of it, and I loved everything about it. I love this place. I can't wait to move into this place. "When do we move in?"

"Whenever you feel comfortable enough to move in. I have to make sure that I paid this month's rent, then I should be ready to move"

"Yeah, I need to pay this month's rent as well, but maybe we could move in tomorrow? After the appointment?"

"Sure, that is the perfect opportunity to move in"

"Yeah, anyways. I think that we have looked around here long enough. We should go home now"

"Agreed". We left the farmhouse and went back to my apartment. We only have a few hours until Clint's day off is over, so might as well make the most of it.

Tony Stark's POV

Well, the day off has been fun and everything like that, but when was it the last time that SWORD gave me an update on Thanos' arrival to Earth? I really need to check up on that. Who knows how long we will have before he comes to take the Infinity Stones and destroy half of the universe's population?

Besides it would be nice to talk to Agent Hill and Sharon again.

I emailed Agent Hill and Sharon, who was Agent Hill's second-in-command, to set up a meeting to discuss Thanos and they agreed to do it in few minutes. After a few minutes passed, Hill and Sharon joined the hologram call and appeared on the screen.

"Hello, how are my favorite former SHIELD agent and cousin?"

"It is nice to hear from you again, Tony", Sharon greeted. "What seemed to be the problem?"

"Well, I just wanted to check on the updates for Thanos. I just want to see how much time we have until he comes to Earth"

"Tony, we have been checking his progress and he seems to be coming to Earth sooner than we expected", Hill stated.


"Meaning that at most you have about a couple of months until he comes"

"A couple of months?! That quickly?!"

"Yeah, Tony. He seemed to have figured out that most of the Infinity Stones are on Earth, so he is coming to get them"

"Exactly. Be careful, Tony. When the time comes, everyone at SWORD and New SHIELD will be there to help you"

"Thanks for the update. And I will let you know when the time comes to fight him"

"See you then, Tony"

"Bye, Tony". Hill and Sharon disappeared from the screen. Well, this was the moment that we all have been waiting and preparing for, but I know that we are ready for this. We have to be ready for this because the fate of Earth and the rest of the universe depends on our victory.

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