Chapter 57

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Wanda Maximoff's POV

How was this possible?! How could Stark have escaped me again?! I was so close to getting my revenge on him, but somehow, he managed to escape me again!

I had the perfect opportunity to finally enact my revenge when Stark walked through the prison's main entrance by himself, but as soon as I tried to kill him, a group of armored people surrounded me, pointing their guns and tasers at me.

I tried to defend myself from them, but all of them seemed to be unaffected by my powers. How was that possible?! Not this many people should be unaffected by my abilities! A small group of them handcuffed me and placed that collar on me, except this one felt more stronger than the last one.

After that, they forced me into a guarded van and took me back to the RAFT. The RAFT seemed to be more advanced and updated than the last time I have been here. I'm certain that Stark had something to do with this. It has him written all over this place. I was brought into an interrogation room where two people were already there.

"Ms. Maximoff,  Special Agents Sarah Davis and Ryan Brooks. We have been brought to investigate your charges. Now, we don't want to be here anymore than you do, so if you would cooperate with us, then we can make this go as easily as possible", the woman stated as soon as I sat down in a chair, opposite from them. Stark probably hired them so he could have me arrested since he always had it out for me.

"Why should I cooperate with you?! I know that Stark hired you to have me arrested!"

"That's somewhat the truth, Ms. Maximoff, but Dr. Stark didn't contact us to have you arrested. He contacted us to list out your charges and hopefully, help your representatives make it easier to convince you a take a plea bargain or maybe testify against Steve Rogers because with all your charges, you're looking at a life sentence, most likely a death sentence", the man answered. A death sentence?! For what?! I haven't done anything wrong! I know that Stark did something, he always uses his money to influence people and never takes responsibility for his actions. He should be in here, not me!

"What about the crimes that Stark committed? I don't see him ever getting punished for his crimes. He killed my parents and stole my brother away from him! But, of course he uses his money to get away with everything and have the real heroes be punished!"

"Ms. Maximoff, this doesn't have anything to do with Dr. Stark, but I must ask, why are you fixated on the claim that Stark killed your parents?"

"There were multiple investigations conducted that proved that Dr. Stark had no involvement in what happened in Sokovia or sold any weapons in that country. It's even been stated by Dr. Stark, Ms. Potts, and Ms. Drew that he wasn't responsible for what happened"

"I know that he did it! His bomb landed in our apartment and crushed our parents! My brother and I were trapped in our apartment for days, waiting it to go off, but it never did, and it was all Stark's fault!"

"Is that case? Ms. Maximoff, how can you be certain that it was a genuine 'Stark Industries' bomb?"

"I saw Stark's name on the side, that should be enough proof!"

"Ms. Maximoff, we weren't planning on showing this after we explained the charges, but it seems that it would be better if we show it to you now". He placed a file in front of me and opened it. "These are the serial numbers of all the bombs produced in Stark Industries and the dates of when they were produced or sold. Are you aware that Sokovia was in the middle of a civil war when the bomb destroyed your apartment?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?". So what if Sokovia had been in the middle of a civil war? That doesn't take away from the fact that Stark is still responsible for my parents' deaths.

"According to the numbers and the dates, there weren't any 'Stark Industries' bombs sold during the civil war". What? That can't be possible?!

"I don't believe that! I saw the name 'Stark' on it! How do you explain that?!"

"Ms. Maximoff, have you noticed that whenever he mentioned the bombs that created by Dr. Stark, we would say 'Stark Industries' bombs? That's because all of the Dr. Stark's bombs were always labeled with 'Stark Industries' in order to detect which bombs were replicated or genuine". Then, she showed another file that showed more serial numbers. "Many of those replicas were sold during the Sokovia civil war, which the same type of bomb that hit your apartment". What? Stark wasn't responsible?

"Well, if you claim that Stark wasn't responsible for my parents' deaths, then who was it?!"

"Glad that you asked that. I'm certain that you're aware about HYDRA?"

"I was tricked! I didn't know what I was getting myself into!"

"Regardless, you're aware of HYDRA's existence? Well, It has been discovered that HYDRA has been replicating 'Stark Industries' bombs a few months before the bomb hit your apartment"

"And further investigation has showed that they sold those bombs to many of the people fighting in the civil war". No...

"So, that means..."

"Yes, Ms. Maximoff, you joined the same organization that caused the death of your parents, and you even tried to kill a man who wasn't even responsible. Which brings us to one of your charges; your involvement with ULTRON"

"Before we continue onto that, last chance, will you cooperate with us?". I just nodded because I couldn't stop thinking about what has been revealed. Stark wasn't responsible for my parents' deaths? After everything that I have done to get my revenge on him, he wasn't even the one who was responsible?

It doesn't matter, even if Stark wasn't responsible for my parents' deaths, he's still responsible for stealing my brother away from me. My revenge can still be worth for something. I'll get my brother back and still get my revenge on Stark if it's the last thing that I do.

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