Chapter 12

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Tony's POV

First step, the Young Avengers aka Harley Keener and Peter Parker. I haven't seen Harley since the Extremis incident and Peter since the airport incident, but they both have my phone number so we talk to each other everyday. I asked them both to meet me in the tower, and they were very excited to come here. Peter arrived earlier since he lived in Queens, so now we're both waiting for Harley.

"Mr. Stark, I'm so happy that you asked me to come here. I mean I know we talk to each other everyday, but you never asked me to come to the tower before"

"Yeah, Peter. I'm happy to have you here"

"But, Mr. Stark. Why did you ask me here?"

"Well. I wanted to ask you about important business, but we're waiting for another guest, so you'll have to wait until he gets here"

"Alright, Mr. Stark"

"And Underoos, please just call me Tony"

"Only if you stop calling me Underoos"

"Not a chance"

"Then I guess I'll keep calling you 'Mr. Stark', Mr. Stark"

"Whatever, Kid. By the way, how's your hot aunt?"

"Really, Mr. Stark? Gross. She's fine. She found out that I was Spider-Man, though"

"Oh, how did she take it?"

"Surprisingly, she took it very well. She was shocked, of course, but she said that I can continue being Spider-Man. With curfews, of course"

"That's great. at least you get to continue doing what you love". Suddenly, the doors opened and Harley walked in.

"Hello, Mechanic"

"Harley. Long time no see. Well, now that you two are both here, follow me. We have a lot to discuss". I led them both into the elevator. We all arrived in the living area where Jessica was waiting for us.

"So, this must be the famous Peter Parker and Harley Keener. Nice to finally meet you two"

"Mr. Stark. Who's she?"

"Yeah, Mechanic. What's the meaning of this?"

"Well, the reason I've called you both is because you're recommended to join the New Avengers Initiative"

"Which I'm guessing you recommended us for, right?"

"Yes, and she's going to be your team leader". Jessica then proceeded to walk up to them, shaking their hands.

"Hello, my name's Jessica Drew. I'm Tony's cousin"

"Wait, Mechanic has a cousin? Since when?"

"Since forever. Anyways, with introductions out of the way. We need all the help we can get, isn't that right, Tony?"

"Yeah, we really do"

"Mr. Stark, what's going on?"

"Well, the truth is. There's a threat coming to Earth. We don't know when, but we need as many heroes as we can get. I trust you two to be on the team, will you two accept the offer?"

"Come on, Mechanic. You know I always have your back, but how can I help? I don't have any powers or weapons. All I have is a potato gun"

"Well, Harley, I'm glad you asked. I've been thinking, Harley, since you never stop asking me about it. I decided it's time for you to get a Iron-suit of your own"

"Really?! You're finally letting me have one?"

"Yeah, now would leave me alone about me?"

"It depends on how functional it is"

"I'll take it as a yes. Also, Peter, I have made an upgraded version of your spider-suit. It's not done yet, but I think you'll like it"

"Really? Thanks, Mr. Stark"

"I hate to interrupt this moment, but we need to talk about legality. Peter, Harley, since you two are minors. You need your parents/guardians' permission to join the team. Also signing the accords as well"

"Oh, right. We need permission. I'm sure my mom won't mind, I think"

"I'm sure May wouldn't mind either, I hope"

"Wait, what's the team name. Is it just the New Avengers?"

"No, it's the Young Avengers. The team only consists of people under the age of 21. Once you're above the age of 21, you'll be put on a New Avengers team"

"The Young Avengers? How come we can't be on a official team right away?"

"Well, if you're content with giving Tony gray hair and a heart attack, then we can put on an official team"

"So, the Young Avengers? I think that's a great team for me. When do we start?"

"Yeah, I don't think Mechanic needs the extra stress. When do we start?"

"When you get your parents/guardians' permission and sign the accords"

"Alright, I'll get on to that"

"So, will I. I want that iron-suit as soon as possible"

"Great, I guess we have two more members to the team"

"Yeah, but they're still not enough, Jessica. We don't know how big this threat is and our team's still very small"

"Well, Tony, I don't know what to say. I mean it's not like there's going to be a shipload of enhanced people's going to come out of nowhere"

Suddenly, Friday's voice rang through the room. "Boss, we have a situation at the Avengers' compound"

"What's the problem, Fri?"

"It appears to be Thor, his brother, Loki, Dr. Bruce Banner and the rest of the asgardians"

I looked over to Jessica with a smirk as she had a shocked look on her face. She turned to me with a 'say something and I'll kill you' look.

"Thank you, Fri. I'll check it"

"Very well, Boss"

"Well, everyone. Take this as your first training day. Let's go and check this out"

"You got it, Mr. Stark", Harley said mockingly.

"Please, it's bad enough Peter still calls me that, but I don't need two kids calling me 'Mr. Stark'"

"Whatever, Mechanic"

"Guys, again hate to interrupt this moment, but we have a situation to deal with. Stop wasting time and suit up"

"Right, Harley, Jessica. Follow me to get your suits. Peter, get ready and suit up"

"Wait?! I had to beg you to get a suit while she already has one?!", Harley screamed as we entered the elevator.

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