〜 Chapter 1 〜

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I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the bright sunlight that pierced through my body. It was so hot like I lay there hours over hours and my body was burning. But, wait. It's not only the sunlight that let my body feel like it was on fire. I could feel a warm liquid on my cheek and all around me. My vision was still a little bit blurry but I could see the dark red puddle around me like I was in a pond with red water.

"Am I dying...?"

I asked myself at the moment I finally felt all the pain that came from the bruises all over my body.
It was awful. It was so much pain, I thought that this was my end.

But when I was about to accept my fate, I saw a small figure in the corner of my eye that came in my direction. But before I could take another look, my vision got dark again and the pain that I felt in my body was also gone.


The next thing I new, I could feel that I was moving but... someone hold be tight in there arms.

I could still fell the pain I felt a while ago but it a little bit better. It didn't hurt as much as before.
I slowly opened my eyes again and I was met a ginger haired boy that carried me bridal style. He had a stern look on his face and was looking forward but I could still see his beautiful ocean-like blue eyes.

"Am I in heaven...?"

I mean, he is obviously an holy being, look at his face.

He seemed to hear what I said ant glanced down at me. His stern look disappeared in one second and was replaced with a wide grin. He chuckled slightly and looked right into my ( E/C ) eyes.

,,seems like you're finally awake princess"

The boy said, what made me slightly blush

"P- Princess?"

I stuttered out. I mean, it's not all day that a complete stranger call you "princess".
Not that I would complain about it, particularly when it's someone as good looking as him...

He seemed to ignore my complete confused self and looked forward again.

" if I may ask, what happened to you that you got so much injury's. I'm pretty sure you would have died if I didn't find you there"

I opened my mouth to tell him what happened but shut it close again when I realized that I didn't know either. "I can't remember anything since... since when? I can't remember anything at all" I thought to myself.

So all that came out of my mouth was a simple, silent "I don't know"

The ginger head raised an eyebrow at me but was quick to show his wide grin again.

"No need to worry, you sure will remember in some time"

He said and tightened his grip an my arm a little but. I absolutely forgot that he was carrying me all the way

"Ehm... you can let go of me now. I think I can walk by myself from now on"

But at this comment, he seemed to just tighten his grip a little bit more.

"Nah, it's alright"

He said as he looked me deep in the eyes.
I just stuttered a little "ok" and didn't complain any further.

At this moment, I just hoped that he was right and I was going to remember what happened to me.

The boy, which I now know his name is childe, took me to the fatui. I met the Tsaritsa at some point, and was recruited as the second of the fatui harbingers. I even have a higher rank than childe and Scaramouche, who I met when I was recruited, because of my power to crystallize blood, even without a vision. I don't even know where this power was coming from but I accepted it the way it was.

All this time I just wanted to remember what happened to me that day childe found me,

But that day never came and I felt like I was surrounded by nothing than darkness. The darkness of my unknowing self.


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First chapter is done ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Uff- I really hope you liked it even if it wasn't that much yet. But I have school tomorrow aka today ups~

Anyway, maybe I can write the next chapter tomorrow (*^ω^*)

Hope you have a good day / evening 🤍

Oh and when you spot some mistakes in this chapter than please tell me <3

~ Author-Chan

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