〜 chapter 37 〜

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"Sooo, that means we are really invited from Ningguang herself...?"

Paimon asked, the light-blue haired female was gone already after she told us that Lady Ningguang wish to see the traveler and me. And Paimon I guess.

"Lady Ningguang said this: invite them to come here, I wish to meet them. At the Jade Chamber, together, we shall snip everyone of these entwining dark threads"

Was what Ganyu, how the female called herself, said before she took her leave again.

"Indeed... an invitation to visit the Jade chamber is a rare honor, really. You shouldn't waste any time and get going. But don't forget the rite of Parting, after you three come back, meet me at Dihua Marsh"

Zhongli then said as he sipped the last bit sake that was in his cup as Aether and I nodded at his statement.

"Zhongli is right, let's get going then"

I said as I thanked the brown-haired male, who surprisingly really doesn't forgot to bring his mora this time, for paying for the food as we made our way to the Jade Chamber.

Or rather were about to, until we noticed that we didn't had an idea how to get there since it was, well, floating high at the sky.

"Umm... well, Paimon think that it's the sensible thing to go to the location of the Jade Chamber on the map! There surely is some way up"

Paimon said as she took a look at the map of Liyue in hopes that there really would be some way to reach the floating building.



The little pixie was seemingly annoyed about the fact that we hadn't found any hint about the way towards the Jade Chamber. Our first try ended not so well as we found some platform on some mountain that looked like a mechanism to come up...

"( Y/N ) you're going to fall if you keep jumping up and down! It's not going to move!" Paimon said, trying to pull me off of the little platform as I jumped on it, trying to loosen it so it would move, frustrated about the fact that there wasn't any other way to the building in the sky as Aether just stood beside, slightly sweat-dropping about my actions.

"I'm not going to fa-"

And I jumped too far to the edge...

I surely would be dead if it wasn't for Aether to grab my arm as I was already in mid air as he pulled me up again and fell backwards on the grass besides the platform, my face buried into his chest due to the impact with the ground.

We three were about to go back to the harbor, asking some Millelith if they may knew the way. Since Ganyu didn't told us how we should find it, it surely had to be a public information, right? How should we be supposed to come up otherwise?

But as we came close to the Guizhong Ballista on the way, the crossbow that we were with Zhongli at before, Paimon became an idea.

"Oh, Oh! Look, the Guizhong Ballista! How about we just shoot you two up with that?!"

She excitedly said, clapping her hands together as Aether and I turned to her, dumbfounded at the fact that she really meant what she said.

„Paimon... no, just... no"

Aether said, slightly sweat-dropping.

„I see, I see, you want to kill us... I'm shocked Paimon, really"

I said, raising an eyebrow at the pixie that now also understood what it would bring as consequence if you shoot a person with a crossbow in the air...

"Oh... Ehm, yeahh ehe~ But, the Ballista have a scope, right?"

She then said, remembering that we could use the scope to look out for the place where we could get up to the Jade Chamber, and so we did. Or rather wanted to, as we came over to the construction but got interrupted by a guard that was placed there.

"Halt! Who trespasses on these hallowed grounds?"

The millelith said, standing in front of us to stop us from going further.

"We're just passing trough..."

I said, kinda surprised that there were suddenly guards placed at this spot that didn't allowed us to go any further towards the Ballista.

"Exactly! What are you talking about? We're invited guests! What make you think you can treat us like that?",

Paimon said, proudly that she got invited from Ningguang herself before she suddenly became suspicious

"No... wait... maybe this was Ningguang's plan all along! She pretended to invite us to the Jade Chamber, but set a millelith ambush here to arrest us!"

She continued rambling some stuff as the traveler and I just sweat-dropped at her sudden change in mood.

"I'm quite sure that's not the case..."

Aether said, trying to calm the pixie down, unsuccessful.

"Now Paimon is mad! ...You! Over there! This is a trick, isn't it? How shameless!"

She said as I now also tried to calm her down so the millelith wouldn't get angry or such since I don't wanted any problems that could be avoided, especially now, when we were invited from Ningguang.

But good for me, the guard just seemed slightly confused and not the slightest bit angry at Paimons remark.

"What? We're just on guard duty. What do you mean,"shameless"?

He said as another guard also made his way over, seemingly not so impressed about Paimons behavior.

"What nonsense! Seize these suspicious intruders at once!"

The male said, already in a fighting position as the other one first looked back and forth between his fellow millelith and us, kinda confused, but also making himself ready for a fight.

"Stop! What's all this about?"

"Stop! What's all this about?"

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Hello there <3

I'm really tired right now but I'm still going to watch the last episodes of jjk now since I have to catch up a little ( ̄▽ ̄)


Anyway, I hope y'all had / have a good day and are doing well 🤍

See you hopefully soon

~ Author-Chan

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