〜 chapter 28 〜

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As we made our way to the northland bank, Childe was walking in between me and Aether, Paimon floating next to the traveler as always.

It didn't took a long time till we reached the bank that was, to be honest, smaller than I thought. I never saw it before due to never being in Liyue but I heard that our homeland has there banks all over teyvat.

"So this is the northland bank?"

Paimon asked, looking around.

"Exactly. This bank was opened here by Snezhnaya. Liyue might be a rich and wealthy nation but my hometown isn't poor either"

The ginger-head said proudly.

"Here, let me give you this"

He continued, reaching out his arm to hand Aether something. I was too busy looking around. Since we were now above the streets, I could see all the people down there and nobody was blocking my view what allowed me to look at the harbor for a little time.

„( Y/N )"

I turned my head at Aether who was calling out my name.

„Are you ready to go?"

He asked, much to my confusion

"What? Where?"

I asked, looking from Aether to Childe and back again, totally confused.

"You didn't listed to anything he said, did you...?"

The blonde-haired traveler asked, sweat-dropping at the fact that I could zoom out within a few seconds as I just sheepishly chuckled.

"We are going to find the Adepti"

He said as the word "Adepti" caught my attention.

"Oh so you mean xiao?"

I asked to the surprise of the other three. I then remembered that Aether was never told the Adeptis name because he didn't asked after Xiao said he didn't need to know.

"Um... the Adepti from Wangshu inn"

I said, just pointing at the direction where I thought the inn was.

"Wait, you mean that grumpy boy is an Adepti?!"

Paimon almost yelled, definitely not expecting him to be one of them, that lived since the Archon war.

I nodded at her but she still looked like she wouldn't really believe me.

"Anyways, lets go!"

I said, grabbing Aethers arm and run towards the stairs to get down to the streets again, turning my head around one last time to smile at the other harbinger and made my way towards our new destiny.


The traveler explained to me what Childe was talking about and what he gave him. At first I thought that we could go to Xiao first but Aether said we would go to some other Adepti first. I guess he just doesn't really come along with him...

So, we were recently on our way to the Jueyun karst.

It was a long way but as we finally reached the place where we would meet one of the Adeptus, a... deer appeared?

A deer?

Not gonna lie, I was slightly disappointed at the fact that the Adepti was a deer since I thought that everyone of them would look, well, as good as Xiao I guess...?

"And who might we be? Those that dare enter Jueyun Karst?"

The Adepti began with his deep voice.

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