〜 chapter 30 〜

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"Ah, there you are"

I heard childe say as we arrived at the northland bank again, approaching the harbinger.

"I already began to miss you~"

He said, smiling brightly at us, or rather me, how it seemed.

We then told Childe what happened and what the Adepti said, and so, he also told something interesting.

"The Qixing from Liyue. They are hiding the body of Rex Lapis and didn't allow anyone to come near it till they find the one who is responsible for his death. They've even gone so far as to try and cut off the information... but with the rite of descenstion and all, even the Qixing isn't able to keep a lid on things"

He continued, crossing his arms and slightly smiled at the fact that he knew things he wasn't supposed to know about the whole thing I guess.

"Wait, if nobody is allowed to come near Rex Lapis remains... then Aethers quest to find one of the seven here is already over..."

Paimon said, thinking about a reason to stay here and risk to get caught by the Millelith who might still think we were the ones who killed the god of Geo.

Well, this wasn't an ideal situation to be honest.
The one I came here for in the first place, Rex Lapis, is now locked away somewhere unknown and for sure a long time. And Aether, who I was traveling with, was about to go to another nation? It's almost the perfect way for our mission to come along the traveler since he was already looking for the seven and so did I. But I needed to stay here in Liyue till we got Rex Lapis gnosis.

"Oh, looking for the seven? I may can help you by that"

Childe suddenly spoke to surprise. I didn't really cared about what it was that he was talking about recently and just relieved that, whatever it was, would maybe lead out of this complications of our plan.


Aether asked, raising an eyebrow at the ginger-head who just chuckled proudly at that moment.

"Just... give me some time. Time to find someone. Someone who can help you break through this stalemate",

He said, now turning around before muttering something under his breath that was still audible after all

"Truly fascinating. The harder they try to silence the situation, the greater the chaos that erupts..."


After that, Aether, Paimon and I were just going around Liyue since we didn't really had anything to do and after a short time of looking at the shops on the side of the street and buying Paimon some food, we reached the so called „wanmin restaurant".

„Oh Look! It's the restaurant that Xiangling is working at!"

The pixie said, pointing at the little restaurant across the street as her stomach began to growl.

„Huh, Paimon you just ate. How can you still be hungry?"

I said, still surprised every time the little pixie would get hungry after a minute again.

She just sheepishly chuckled at that, fiddling with her fingers.

„Lets say hello to Xiangling. And I'm also quite hungry to be honest so we can grab some food there"

Aether suggested, looking at both of us until we nodded and made our way over.

„Xiangling! Hello!"

Paimon said, almost yelled like every time and waved at someone who was standing beside the seats of the guests and talked to someone how it seemed but I couldn't saw who it was since she was standing right in front of them.

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