〜 chapter 20 〜

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( this chapter will contain mention of blood and Death, so if you are uncomfortable with this, please don't read )

It was rather hard to open my eyes as I felt so tired like I could just fall asleep at the spot where I was laying. The grass that I laid on were not as dry like it normally was. There was some liquid on it that covered the whole ground.

I could feel a stinging pain in my chest and my left leg, like someone ram there blade in it. It felt like this was my last moment in this earth. I was just so tired, I couldn't stay awake for much longer.

I looked at the night sky with my half open eyes, my vision a little bit blurry but I could still see the bright stars that were placed all over the dark sky as the full moon shone at my fragile self.

Slowly, I closed my eyes, ready for anything that would now come for me until I heard a female voice that called out my name

"...( y/n )"

She said with her weak voice that was carried with the icy wind. I heard this voice so many times before and felt save and comfortable as soon as I would hear it ringing through my ears.

"( y- y/n )"

The voice repeated.

But there was something off. It sounded so weak and broken, like the person who owned the voice, was in some sort of pain, also about to pass out like I would, sooner or later.

I turned my head with the last of my powers and saw the silhouette of a female. She wore an long and compact kimono, long reddish hair that reached her hips but I couldn't see her face.

She was kneeling down in front of me, her one arm clenched against her stomach as a red liquid was covering that spot and dropped down her arm that was holding onto it.

She was shaking, reaching one hand towards my chest where the pain was coming from that I felt and stopped it a few inches above my body.

A red light shone brightly from that spot, the stinging pain slowly escaping my figure and I felt so light at that moment.

Her hand was now forming into a fist, it seemed like she was holding the light that was still slightly shining through the gaps of her hand.

"( y/n )... you have to... survive"

She said, laying her closed hand now down on my body as I could clearly feel her shaking, breathing heavily. Much heavier than a few moments ago. I raised my hand, laying it on her's, even through it was a hard task since I still felt weak.

I hadn't the power to speak up, even when I was feeling slightly better than before but it seemed like I was just getting more tired and couldn't hold my eyes open for long.

Still, the face of the other female was blurry, I couldn't clearly see it but before I could even try to get a closer look at her, she just collapsed.

It was all silent now.

Her heavy breathing was now gone just like the reddish light in her hand, that was still laying on my chest.

Her body began to glow and with that, she just disappeared.

My hand, that was holding her's just a few seconds ago, was now holding something cold and sharp but I didn't pay much mind to it.

I could now see what was behind the once sitting female and my eyes widened at the view.

Everything was tinted red as a few hundreds of bodies were laying on the ground or leaning against trees and rocks.

The most had still swords or spears that pierced through there lifeless bodies, blood splattered all over the place. There was a little girl that was laying in the ground, facing me. It was like she was the only thing that I could see clear as day.

She had the reddish hair like the female before and her still open eyes seemed like her sole left her little body a long time ago. Her skin was now so pale, I knew it wasn't normal.

I then saw white little snow flakes that fell to the ground. It was almost as white as the skin of the girl that just laid there, noch moving an inch from the cold of the snow.

I closed my eyes again, thinking that I was just one of the hundreds of people around me who were meant to be dead.

It didn't took a long time for me pass out, not minding the cold that surrounded my body and accepting whatever would come for me from now on.

It didn't took a long time for me pass out, not minding the cold that surrounded my body and accepting whatever would come for me from now on

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Hello there <3

This is a kinda short chapter like the most ones, like you saw already UwU

Anyway, I have a feeling that something here and there isn't that well explained, idk, so if you don't understand something than please ask so I can explain and maybe also change the part in the story so that it would be more understandable 🤍

And guys... almost 2.5 reads???

Thank you so much 🥺🤍

ily so here you get a cookie 🍪🥛

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and had / have a good day <33

~ Author-Chan

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