〜 chapter 11 〜

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After Diluc, Aether and Paimon left the Tavern, Jean approached me as I was sitting at the bar chair again.

"You should sleep now if you aren't doing well
( Y/N )"

She said, smiling softly as she patted my back.

I just nodded and laid my head back on the counter. It didn't take a long time until I felt asleep again.


I slowly opened my eyes again, the brightness from the tavern lights were blending my half open eyes as I rubbed them to get a clear vision.

I raised my head a little bit up and scanned my surroundings as I saw that besides my seat, Venti was sitting on another chair, his head also laying on the counter as he was fast asleep. I smiled at myself a little because it was a kinda cute scene.

I looked to the other side and saw that Jean was also sitting on a bar chair. Even though she sat there straight, she also had her eyes closed and was clearly asleep.

I then looked in front of me and sighed. I was just happy that I didn't had such a weird dream again...

I just stared a whole into the air and was thinking about random things until I heard the door behind us three opening.

I turned around and saw Aether entering the Tavern first and then Paimon and Dliuc.

The emergency food, that was now floating besides Aether, seemed to be really happy because she had a bright smile on her face.

Diluc and Aether just had there normal expressions on there faces but you could see a slightly relieved look in there eyes.

"Oh, Hey, you're back already. Did you get the lyre?"

I asked curiously, even if I could clearly say they get it because of Paimons happy expression.

"Yes we got it! here!"

The pixie-like creature said as she handed me the lyre.

I stand up and at my actions, Jean and Venti seemed to also wake up from there slumbers.

The bard was directly up and as energetic as always

"Ohh you got it?! Let me see, let me see!"

He said happily, grabbing in the air a few times so that I would hand him the lyre.

I gave it to him as he scanned every detail of the instrument that was now in his hands.

Even if it was surely the holy lyre, it seemed just like every other one. This however, changed as Aether used the purified tear from Dvalin to give some power to the old relict.

You could clearly see the changes from before but it still doesn't seemed to have all the power back.

"Hm... to activate the full power of the lyre, we should add more of Dvalins tears..."

Venti said, two fingers on his chin as he was thinking where we could get them.

After a while of thinking, we made our way to three places where most likely a tear would be.

The first one was pretty simple. It was just in a chest and guarded from some pyro abyss mage and a few Hilichurs.

At our next stop was some of that flying, green balls again but Aether said that I should not use my special ability again just to make it easier, so I didn't used them and we were finishing that monster off faster than I thought. Ok, more likely Aether, Venti, Diluc and Jean because they said they would handle it and I don't have to waste my stamina. And Paimon was just... was just Paimon I guess...

We than went inside the domain that this green thing was guarding and it was pretty easy to defeat all the monsters that were inside and got the tear of Dvalin.

We made our way the last point and it was at some ruins that were guarded by a ruin guard.

"Ugh, I hate ruin guards..."

Was all I thought as I saw the machine.
I remember that someone of the Harbingers had build multiple of these somewhere in Liyue and was always talking about it but stopped as he found something more interesting.

That guy was really a pain... he could be more excited about anything than every other person but then forget about it as soon as there is something that is more interesting. He was like a little child.

To our luck, the ruin guard wasn't really strong so we took it down with ease.

And there it was, the last chest that contained the tear we needed.

We decided to go to the winery that belonged to Diluc because it was a better place to put the tears in the lyre and plan our next move than an old ruin.

On our way, I could clearly see that the others were pretty exhausted. I felt bad because the others had surely fight more than me. It kinda remembered me on the times I was on a mission with just Scaramouche and Childe. They both took care of the hard work and I felt bad when one of them got injured or something because I couldn't do a thing.

And here we go again. It's not like I'm weak or something but the others just refuse to let me in dangerous situations. But I was still kinda happy about it because it was a prove that there were people who care for me and my safety.

I smiled slightly at the thought and not long after, we reached the winery.

I smiled slightly at the thought and not long after, we reached the winery

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First of all,

Hello guys 🦉


Howww did this book got 1k reads?????
I mean, I feel like I don't deserve this because there are many books that are way better and have less readers, plsss I cantttt

Thank you all soooo muchhh 🤍 for everyone who is reading this book and the ones who also vote for it ( yes, yes I see y'all c.c )🤍🤍

Here you have a cookie bc I don't know how I am supposed to thank you otherwise

Ahh yeahh I hope you enjoyed this chapter and
had / have a good day <3

~ Author-Chan

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