〜 chapter 44 〜

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"Oh it's- eh, it's...."

Paimon begun as she saw the light-blue haired female approaching us but seemingly not remembering her name.

"Ganyu. Nice to meet you again"

I said, greeting the other female and not wanting Paimon to continue guessing what her name was.

"Hello travelers. I'm surprised you still remember my name"

She said, putting one hand on her chest as she kindly smiled at me.

"Ah, that reminds me, how was your visit at the Jade Chamber?"

She asked curious, looking at all all three of us who were invited.

"Well, it sure would've been better if you'd told us how to get up there..."

Paimon then said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Huh? I didn't tell you?! Surely I did"

Ganyu responded, kinda surprised at the fact that she let out one of the most important things about to tell us.

"Nope. We found the way on our own!"

The little pixie said, hands on her hips as she proudly smiled at the other female because of that achievement.

"It was maybe our fault for not asking"

Aether then said, feeling kinda guilty that Ganyu was seemingly slightly disappointed in herself for just forgetting to tell us how we would get to the Jade Chamber as I also felt kinda bad and approached the girl, patting her back gently as I smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it Ganyu! It's not your fault, things happen"

I said, trying to encourage her more as I saw her cheeks slightly tainting pink as she nodded at me.

"Hm? But is it just me or is Ganyu acting a little different than the first time we met? Where is her serious attitude now?"

Paimon asked to nobody in particular, wondering what caused the sudden change in character from the light-blue haired female.

"A- Ah, well, I- I met you that time as an emissary of the Tianquan. But now, I am simply out on a stroll to see the flowers..."

She said rather quietly as I noticed that my hand was still placed on her back and returned it immediately, not wanting the female to feel uncomfortable under the touch.

Ganyu's eyes slightly twitched at the sudden lack of warmth from my hand but just let it be anyway, not making it much visible.

"Huh? You came all the way here just to watch the flowers? Why not just enjoy the gardens of the city?"

Paimon asked, curious about the reason why Ganyu made such an effort just to watch some flowers as the female just slightly sighed.

"Yujing Terrace is where Rex Lapis parted from this world. If I strolled through those lonely gardens now, I wouldn't be able to bear it... whenever my duties take me near Yujing terrace these days, I draw the windows to block my view of the gardens"

She explained, raising her head to the bright sky as I could see many emotions in her eyes. Most of them sadness about the loss of the God of Geo, the one who guarded the city all the time since the beginning.

Looking over to the others, Aether, Paimon and Zhongli, the brown-haired male had an expression that I couldn't really read but it kinda looked like guilt...? I couldn't clearly say.

"Oh... sorry, we shouldn't have brought it up..."

The little pixie said, kinda regretting to ask.

"No, it's quite alright. I just haven't processed my emotions yet..."

The light-blue haired female said as she now looked at Paimon, then telling something about the original seven archons.

She said that Barbatos was now the only remaining Archon of the original ones and that the Gods of every other nation already died and got "replaced" if you could say so.

"So, what do you think of this "farewell"?

Zhongli then asked, his hand that rested on chin before as he heard Ganyu's story, now lowered to his side.

"Huh? This... this is a little sudden, I... as a mortal, I've never dared to imagine a Liyue without Rex Lapis. But as an Adeptus... I think I will eventually come to grips with reality. Since Rex Lapis has passed, the time of Liyue's contract with the gods and Adepti has now reached its end"

"Huh?! Wait, did you just say "as an Adeptus"?"

Paimon then asked, not really minding the rest of her answer.

"Yes. I am a mix of human and Qilin. Adeptus blood flows through my veins. I fought for Rex Lapis and the city of Liyue during the Archon war. After the war had ended, I signed a contract with Rex Lapis and took the position as secretary for the Qixing. I've continued those duties to this very day"

Ganyu explained as Paimon seemed rather interested in her little story, now realizing how old the female must be if she fought in the Archon war.

"But anyway, you say that you are here to look for Glaze lilies?"

The light-blue haired female then said, one hand on her chest again.

She then told us that she just picked one and assured that she also sang a song beforehand.

"Woa, thank you"

I said with a big grin, holding the flower in my hands as I looked at Ganyu who had slight pink cheeks again.

"You're welcome..."

She quietly said before opening her mouth again to say something.

"I think it's time for me to return to work now. It was nice meeting you again, and good luck"

She said, smiling at all of us as I nodded at her.

"See you soon, Ganyu. Take care"

I said as she took her leave again, waving at us one last time before she vanished out of my view.

"Well, with that, we are almost finished with the preparation. It's about time to head back to Liyue Harbor now"

Zhongli said as Aether and I nodded and then begun our way back to the harbor

Zhongli said as Aether and I nodded and then begun our way back to the harbor

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Hey heyy <3

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and
had / have a good day 🤍

Ok, I honestly doesn't know if this was a good decision but I started watching one piece ( ̄▽ ̄)  ehe, well... yeah

Anyway, see you hopefully soooon 🤍

~ Author-Chan

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