〜 chapter 48 〜

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As the heavy rain was getting even worse, I was surprised as it suddenly stopped for a brief moment. Looking up at the sky that was covered with dark clouds, the Jade Chamber was floating above us, moving over towards the water where all the boats on the harbor were sent back and forth due to the heavy waves.

"What is happening here?"

Paimon asked, her eyes following the building high up at the sky as we stopped in our movements for a brief moment, looking at what exactly was going on at the sea.

My eyes widened slightly at the sight of a giant monster that was made of pure water how it seemed as its five snake-like heads sticked out of the water, now facing the Jade Chamber.

As quick as possible, we three made our way towards Liyue harbor again, going towards the platform that would take us up to the building in the sky again.

"Are you sure it's ok?"

Aether asked, slightly concerned about my
well-being as I confidently nodded at him with a slight smile, reassuring him that it was fine.

Through I felt kinda tired, I wanted to help the others as I thought that even if it was Childe's plan and we were on the same side, it wasn't the right thing to do. The ginger-heads plan how it seemed, was to bring the real Rex Lapis — who should be still alive from every information we had — to face the other god in terms of defending the harbor, to finally know which form the Geo god took and snatching his gnosis.

But I thought that there were better ways than almost destroying the whole city.

Reaching the Jade Chamber with Aether still supporting me, we were now able to analyze the god from near as we were now face to face with the creature.

"Whew, did we made it in time? The Overlord hasn't destroyed anything yet, has it?"

Paimon exhaustedly asked as she looked down, analyzing if anything was destroyed already.

"I don't think so..."

I quietly said, eyes still fixed on the creature in front of us as I thought about any possibility for us to defeat that thing.

"Wait... ( Y/N ) what are you doing here?"

I heard a rather deep voice call out as I turned my head, revealing the black-haired Adepti approaching us as now also Aether turned around, looking at the other male.


I asked, wondering why the Adepti would be at the Jade Chamber, but couldn't help but slightly smile at his presence since I didn't knew if there would be another chance to meet him again any time soon.

Now also noticing that Xiao wasn't the only Adepti that was present, and instead also the other three, I slightly bowed out of respect, honestly a bit embarrassed that I just didn't noticed their presence before.

Due to me suddenly bowing, Aether was forced to do the same as he was still holding onto me.

"What are you doing here? Paimon thought you were arguing with the Qixing... is the fighting over?"

Paimon asked, also curious about why they all were at the Jade Chamber as Ningguang made her way over to us with a few Millelith following behind.

"Faced with a calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy"

Ningguang said as her smile was still placed on her face like almost always, at first just looking at Paimon since she was the one who asked the question in the first place, before her gaze trailed towards Aether and me, noticing the cloth that was wrapped around my stomach as the blond-haired traveler hold me in place.

"( Y/N )... are you alright?"

She asked as her smile slightly dropping, coming a little bit closer as I sheepishly smiled at her, seeing that now all eyes were on me.

"Yes yes, just a little injury, nothing more"

I said, smiling at the almost white haired female as Paimon made a slightly confused but also concerned look.

"( Y/N ) that wasn't just a "little" injury... you should really have someone checking up on you"

"Maybe I should, huh...."

I quietly said after Paimon's remark, not wanting to make that much of a drama of this at first as Ninggang then mentioned two maidens to come over.

"Take care of ( Y/N )'s injury's and make sure nothing happens to her"

The female ordered, to which the maidens bowed and were now helping me instead of Aether who was mentally preparing for the fight as I could see Xiao coming a little closer.

"I'm coming along"

Was all he said as one maid nodded and we made our way inside of the building as I looked back once again, looking a bit concerned because of Aether and all the others that were about to face the god in a fight.

I signed to myself, knowing that I couldn't be that much of a help at that moment as I slightly cursed under my breath.

"And I am a harbinger for what now?"

"And I am a harbinger for what now?"

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Hello there 🤍

Ok I feel like I wanted to say something...

But I forgot...


I feel so dumb right now.

But I wanted to say that there are only a few chapters left till I planned on ending this story and it feels kinda surreal, ngl.

And If I remember what I originally wanted to say, I'm just telling you in the next chapter or such.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading and had / have a good day 🤍

See you hopefully soon

~ Author-Chan

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