〜 chapter 39 〜

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So here we were, searching for the man that Keqing told us to go to. Since Paimon wanted to bring a little present for Lady Ningguang and Aether and I also thought it would be a nice idea, we got some
sugar-frosted slime what was supposed to be a dish, according to Paimon... I wasn't really sure if she was being serious as she told us that we should get Lady Ningguang some slime to eat, but apparently, she was.

After we found the location the purple-haired girl said us to come, there was a man with short black hair, wearing a Changsan. He basically looked like everyone else and I wasn't really sure if he really was the person that we should be looking for at first but still, according to Keqing, this should be our way to the Jade Chamber.

The little Pixie that was now floating a little bit in front of me to approach the man, was clearing her throat before speaking up.

"Ehem, Excuse me, do you sell the moon here?"

She asked since it was what Keqing told us to say. It seemed to be some kind of message for the male to know that we would be allowed to visit the Jade Chamber. It was a smart way to do such a thing since I'm sure that they don't want some random citizen come up to a little vacation at the Jade Chamber.

"Yea, how many would you like?"

The man in front asked, smiling at us before Paimon answered his question.

"It is not convenient to speak of numbers here"

"Ah, well said. Please use this to ascent to the Chamber... speaking of which, are you three the guests that Lady Ningguang has arranged to meet with today?"

The male asked as Paimon just gave a proud "Yep" as response and made her way over to the little platform that the man mentioned before, after thanking the raven-haired male.

Also going over to the platform, I got slightly nervous. Not only because we would meet Lady Ningguang, one of the wealthiest and well-known woman in Liyue, but also because, well, the platform that we were now standing on, was really small...

I guess it's originally built to bring up one person per time, not two... and Paimon, who was supposed to just float nearby, clung onto Aethers right arm like she would fall down if she didn't do so. But I couldn't blame her because from the Moment the platform moved an inch, I clung onto Aethers other arm like my life depends on it, and we didn't even left the ground yet.

As we were finally in mid air, I just clung closer to the blonde-haired male and closed my eyes tightly, my face squeezed against his chest, again, as I could hear his heartbeat that was rather quick for some reason. My arms were wrapped around the male like a sloth and I kinda felt like a sushi-roll at that moment, wrapped around Aether like seaweed.

He also laid his hand on my shoulder in terms to hold me in place since I was leaning against the male so much that we almost fell back, down to the ground again, and I could feel his warm breath against my neck.

Finally reaching the Jade Chamber, I hesitated to let go of Aether, still kinda anxious to fell over. Normally, I loved to be up high at the sky but not when there was a 90% chance for me to fall to my dead.

As I then let go of him, I slightly bowed, apologizing to the traveler who said it wasn't a problem and kindly smiled at me. I was still slightly embarrassed afterwards as my cheeks got red because I just noticed how close I was to him...

Walking over to the entrance of the building, I could see a few people standing in front. One of them Lady Ningguang herself. Not gonna lie, she was more beautiful now that I got the chance to see her from close, as when she just summoned Rex Lapis that day of the rite of descention.

Her almost white hair danced in the wind as a gentle smile displayed on her face, her light-red orbs studying my every move as I got closer to approach her.

"I've been waiting for you, travelers"

Ningguang said with her gentle voice as we were now standing right in front, slightly bowing out of respect.

"Oh! Since this is our first meeting Lady Ningguang, um, we prepared a gift! Hope you like it"

Paimon then said as I pulled out a silver box that we got from the jewelry in Liyue, where the dish for the female was placed in.

I took a few steps closer, placing the box into her hands that slightly brushed against mine in the process as she looked up/down to analyze my features, her smile growing the slightest bit because of the gift, I guess.

"For me? You have my thanks. It seems that I have made things difficult for you, considering that you were supposed to be my guests"

She gently said, now looking at all of us.

"Oh no, it's nothing!"

Paimon said, putting her hands on her hips as she acted like she found the way here immediately and without any problems. Well, despite almost dying like... three times or such...

"It's really beautiful, the Jade Chamber"

I said as I glanced around, admiring the huge building in the sky that I could only see down from Liyue before.

Ningguang slightly chuckled at this before also speaking up again

"I'm glad you like it too. Let's head in, shouldn't we?"

And so, we finally entered the Chamber.

And so, we finally entered the Chamber

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Hey heyyy <3

I hope you are all doing well these days 🤍 and sry that this chapter is out so late again. I try to publish it earlier but the time I need to write and go over the text again, isn't that short. It take kinda long xD

But anywaysss, I hope y'all enjoyed reading and I have to thank you again for recently over 11k reads <333 I love you all sm 🤍 I still remember being so happy about 100 reads at the beginning and now, THIS

Well, I hope you had / have a good day and are still enjoying reading this book after quite a time now.

See you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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