〜 chapter 35 〜

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The whole walk to the crossbow on top of a mountain and back was really tiring, not gonna lie. I was glad as the bubu pharmacy got into my view again and let out a relieved sigh.


I said as we were walking up the stairs that would lead us to the entrance of the building, already seeing the little purple-haired girl standing inside.

Zhongli was the first one who spoke up after we approached the girl that now turned our way.

"Forgive us, we weren't able to fulfill our end of the contract. We found no trace of the cocogoat Adeptibeast of wich you spoke"

He said, apologizing to the little zombie who now looked kinda sad as she laid her hand on her forehead.

"Oh.. what a disappointment... don't worry about it. But I feel very disappointed"

Qiqi said with her lazy voice as she looked to the ground.

"Aww, poor Qiqi... Why does Paimon feel so guilty all of a sudden?"

Paimon said, looking towards Aether who nodded in agreement. I couldn't say that I didn't felt bad because Qiqi really seemed to be sad about it.

"Qiqi, may I ask what you needed the cocogoat for?"

I asked, wanting to know if it was something important for her.

"Cocogoat milk is tasty... so tasty. Much better than normal goat milk. Only an Adeptibeast could make such tasty milk. I'm sorry. I have a poor memory. I cannot remember the name of the milk. That's why I wrote it down"

She said, kneeling down besides a table that was placed next to her and dug some piece or paper out of a box that was underneath the table.

"Ah here, this is the name"

She said as she reached the paper to me to read it.

I slightly sweat-dropped as I took the piece of paper and read what was written on it.

"Coconut... milk"

I said, so the others could also understand what the little girl wanted from the "cocogoat"

They all looked at me in disbelief as I just sheepishly smiled and turned the paper towards them so they could read it themselves.

"I... owe you three an apology. I hastily agreed to what appeared to be an equitable agreement with this zombie child, when perhaps I should have undertaken further due diligence"

Zhongli said, looking at us three as I gave the paper back to Qiqi.

"Don't mind it Zhongli. It's not that big of a deal"

I said, smiling at him as he returned the smile after a brief second.

"Yeah, ( Y/N ) is right! You didn't know. As the Liyue proverb goes, "All things are random, and.... and, eh... so how are you supposed to predict anything"! Literally no one could have seen this coming..."

Paimon said, agreeing with me as Zhongli slightly chuckled at this

"Excuse me everyone",

Qiqi began as we turned to her again to hear what she wanted to say

"Did Qiqi say a bad thing?"

She asked, resting one finger on her chin

"Oh, no no! No, Ehm... it's just that, eh... you know, coconut milk is made of... coconuts... not from a goat"

I said, not sure if this would basically shatter her little world but explained it nevertheless because she had to know this sooner or later.

"Noo... Im- Impossible..."

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