〜 chapter 4 〜

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( this chapter will contain a little bit of blood so if you are uncomfortable with this than please don't read. But it's really not much, just for you to know )

As we made our way to the tree, we decided to introduce ourselves since we didn't had a chance to do that before.

Aether told me that he was searching for his sister who was taken away from an unknown god. That caught my attention a little bit but I think he couldn't give me information about that god since he himself doesn't know anything about it how it seemed.

"So, my name is ( Y/N ), I'm a traveler from snezhnaya. I just came here shortly before we bumped into each other"

Obviously, I couldn't tell him the truth, even if I wanted to. I felt bad for lying to him because he told me all about himself and he seemed to be very kind.

"Ohh you come from snezhnaya?! Isn't it true that this fatui guys came from there too?"

Paimon asked curiously

"Ah, yeah that's true"

I remembered that the Tsaritsa sent some people to Mondstadt but I don't really know why because I don't need to and honestly, I don't care either what they want here. I'm here for my own mission.

Aether told me a little bit more about his sister, and on his face a bitter sweet smile was shown. I really felt bad for him. I couldn't imagine what it is like to loose the people you care for but somehow... somehow deep inside, I had a feeling that I know too well how he felt but I didn't know why or what it was.

I placed my hand on Aether shoulder who then looked at me.

"I'm sure you're sister is doing well and you find her in no time!"

I said, a smile placed on face while I was looking in his golden orbs. The wind blew through his blond hair as a slight pink creeped on his cheeks. He then nodded and slightly smiled back. We stared at each other like that kinda a long time, until-

"Take a room you two"

Paimon said with a teasing voice. My face went red, same as Aether's and I quickly let go of his shoulder.

"A-Anywayyyy, I think we're about to reach that tree right? Right! I can see it! There it is, let's go!

I said, kinda too enthusiastic and made my way to the tree.

"That's the wrong tree ( Y/N )..."


Not long after, we reached reached our goal and in front of us was that big ass tree. "Mhm, I think I should also have such a tree!" I thought, impressed from the view and excited to plant my own tree somewhere in the middle of nowhere so that people have to walk there ass off to get there.

It was such a nice thought.

It doesn't take a long time to spot the bard standing besides. We approached him and he seemed to notice us as well.

"Oya? Ehe, so you really came after me"

Venti said, a smile as always was placed on his face as he looked in my direction.

He and Aether then talked about something but I didn't really listened because I was busy looking around for the cause of the aura I perceived. It was something I wasn't familiar with but it didn't surprised me either since I didn't know what kind of monsters and creatures live around Mondstadt.

And there it was. It looked like a green flying ball... kinda creepy.

I drew my sword and as Aether noticed it as well, he followed my actions. We attacked the monster without another word but with just a sword, it was kinda hard to fight a flying object so I decided to just use my special ability. I told Aether that I had a special ability before but I didn't get into details so he was very confused the moment I used my sword to cut a little bit in my arm.

"What are you doing?!"

Aether asked hectic
I just looked at the monster in the air as the blood dripped from my arm in the direction to the ground but before it could reach the floor, it crystallized and out of one drop of blood, a hundred of little
Speer-like crystals formed. The tips of every singe one reflected the sunlight und shone like a diamond. It was rather a beautiful sight that a deathly one.

Nevertheless, they were directed to the creature in front of them and pierced through it in a second. It fell to the ground and vanished just like that. Little drops of blood dripped to the ground and created a small puddle right besides the remains of the defeated monster.

Aether and Paimon looked at me in awe. The emergency food seemed like she wanted to say something but nothing than "wh- how do you- what was- heeeeh?" Came out of her mouth.

As I turned to Venti, his eyes widened at the view, he kinda seemed like he just saw a ghost or something. "It's not THAT special"  I thought and made my way over to the bard.

"So, you said that you have a plan, right?"

"After this, I have to go back to childe, Scaramouche and Signora to keep them informed about everything"

I listened to what the bard had to say and so he was telling us his plan. Next thing we needed to do was to get the "holy lyre der Himmel" and so we decided to go to the cathedral of Mondstadt.

I said I have to do something first and that they should begin without me so they made there way back to Mondstadt and I made my may to my comrades.

I said I have to do something first and that they should begin without me so they made there way back to Mondstadt and I made my may to my comrades

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Sooo I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that the thing with the special ability from ( Y/N ) make sense to you xD

And pLeAse
How did this book get 150 reads already? Like, it's not much to many people but I still didn't know howww?? I'm so thankful it that 🤍🤍

Also, can I please say that how it is strange to me that this lyre is called "holy lyre der Himmel". It's the same with fishl's "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" or whatever it was because I'm from Germany and it's kinda irritating when I write English and then suddenly German again xD

Anyway, thank you for reading y'all 🤍

~ Author-Chan

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