〜 chapter 40 〜

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"Wooow what a huge hall! Paimon's never seen such a fancy place before!"

The little pixie that was floating in front of Aether and me said, admiring all the expensive decoration that was placed inside of the building. There were a few vases, paintings on the wall and a lot of books in book shelters or on top of little dressers.

A few maiden were walking around, collecting all the things that didn't laid on its place or cleaning what had to be cleaned.

"Be at ease, you three. Make yourself at home if you wish"

Ningguang then said, leading us towards a desk with a lot of paperwork in it, that was placed at the end of the room after we were going downstairs.

"Can we really?!"

Paimon excitedly asked the white-haired female, clapping her little hands together.

"I have invited you three here as friends. And when friends come over to play, our enjoyment comes first, naturally"

Ningguang then said, smiling at the three of us as Aether then looked to our right, towards a wall with a lot of little papers on it.

"Is that what I think it is...?"

He asked, approaching the wall to have a better look at all the different paper sheets.

"Oooh, the legendary wall?!"

The excitement seemingly never left the little pixie as she quickly went over to the wall as well, floating right and left from one paper to the other as she scanned every little detail of them.

"Why, you've kept your ear to the ground, I see"

The white-haired female said, now standing right next to me since I just admired the wall from afar and didn't get any closer yet.

I looked over to Ningguang to notice that she was already looking at me as we shortly just smiled at each other before the other female turned forward again as Paimon spoke up.

"That's because even the storytellers are talking about it... everyone is after a piece of paper from that wall! It's super famous!"

She spoke, now analyzing one of the papers in the middle of the big wall, to which Ningguang slightly chuckled.

"That's because that wall records Liyue's secrets. Merchants have always been attracted to secrets. But the secret of the mercantile world are of no interest to you, are they, travelers? You're rather special, really. And I think you're quite aware of that",

She said, now looking at me from the corner of her eye again as she was still wearing her genuine smile.

"If possible, I've like to have your trust. But if you were to choose the more trustworthy person between myself and Keqing..."

"Well, between your orthodoxy and her heterodoxy..."

Aether then kinda replied to which Ningguang slightly chuckled.

"You'd pick Keqing? I had a feeling"

The white-head said as I couldn't really say anything to that since I honestly couldn't really "pick" between the two of them.

"I originally thought her a bit too... hard-headed.-"

Ninggung continued her short story, rather talking to Aether who now fully turned around from the wall again, facing the female to hear what she had to say. Meanwhile, I also decided to take a quick look at the papers on the wall. If they really have Liyues secrets, then it may help my mission, so I made my way over, analyzing one piece of paper after the other.

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