〜 chapter 16 〜

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As I slowly opened my eyes, I was met with the rising sun that slowly moved up at the sky. I set up und yawned slightly, looking around to see that everyone else was still asleep.

They looked like they wouldn't wake up any time soon so I decided to stand up, pack the things I needed, what wasn't much but since I didn't know if Diluc would have all the other informations by now, I packed a few things to eat is case I would just wander around the area.

I double checked my things because I didn't want something like last time to happen again. You know... forgetting my weapon and such... ehe

It didn't took long for me to be ready to go.
I thought about waking one of the other harbingers up to inform them that I would get going now but I decided against ist because I already told them yesterday that I would head out as soon as I am awake and would packed my things.

And also, the two male Harbingers that still were fast asleep, looked kinda cute so I didn't wanted to wake them up. It was something else than normally, like Scaramouche who always looked kinda annoyed, looked just so innocent and relaxed.

Childe was still grinning in his sleep, mumbling something. I don't know what he was dreaming about but it seemed like he had quite a nice dream.

I chuckled slightly to myself as I watched the two and made my way back to the winery not long after.


It took a little bit of time till I reached the winery because I defeated a few hilichurs on the way to get their treasures and as I reached the building, the sun was already high up at the blue sky.

As I walked behind the winery where we met before, I could see Diluc, Jean and Venti who were already standing there and seemed to talk about something.

As Venti noticed my presence, he turned his head in my direction and smiled brightly at me.

„( Y/N ) you are already here! Ehe~ just like I expected"

He said, hands on his hip.

Jean and Diluc also turned in my direction and slightly smiled.

„How are you today ( Y/N )? Did you sleep well?"

The acting grandmaster of Mondstadt asked as I was approaching them.

„I'm good, slept like a stone!"

I said with enthusiasm. I was in a good mood because I was happy that we might be able to save that poor dragon.

A few moments after, Aether showed up with his little companion.

„Hello there"

I said, flashing a smile towards the traveler and Paimon.

The blonde boy responded with just a little nod and a smile, a little shade of pink tinted on his cheeks. meanwhile his companion was all excited about our next movements.

„The abyss order... an enemy of the human race. Even with my informants, I couldn't get a lot of information. But even through, I got something together"

Diluc Said. He kinda doesn't looked very pleased through because of the lag of information.

„You really got that information quickly master Diluc!"

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